Looking good Geoff. Having the separate fin along the spine is good. That large, flat underside is probably prone to a slight twist but you seem to have it nicely in place. Intake covers fit issue looks straightforward to fix.
A Phantom for Halloween
I wasn’t expecting any issues with it though as the few builds I’ve watched/read made no mention of any problems :thinking:
Hello Chaps,
Well this has been sitting on the “shelf of doom” glaring at me for far too long now so time to get it finished ?
The fuselage has had some photo etch added, mainly to the wheel wells and also the jet intakes.
I found that the original canopy had a crack running down the centre of it. I could have gone for the open option but wanted a closed canopy, fortunately the kind people at Airfix sent me a replacement clear frame ?.
This has been masked and apart from a bit more pe work it is ready for primer.
Hopefully another update soon ?
Thanks for looking ?
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