ive just about finished a tamiya me109 i put a few of the small decals on but whilst reading though the forums on here i see a lot of you coat your models ive decided to do the same im going use humbrol matt cote is this ok and will it effect the decals already applied cheers
clear varnish
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It can be used either way steve, although as you say if its brushed you will get some brush marks. You could thin it slightly with white spirit if youre going to brush it but be careful not to get too much on and get runs. If you airbrush it then obviously youll need to thin it also, cheers tonyComment
Humbrol matt cote is not a varnish that i would recommend.It tends to dry in white patches.Im told that if it is thoroughly mixed this wont happen.However, ive stired the stuff untill my arm was about to drop off and i still had a problem with it.Wouldnt touch the stuff with a barge pole now.I use Vallejo matt clear which is the best matt varnish ive ever tried.Wouldnt use anything else after using this stuff.Its acrylic and works equally well as a final coat over enamel or acrylic paint jobs.Comment
Go with Dave W. Just used Vallejo Matt varnished (air brushed) on a 1/72 Lancaster. Really needed only 1 coat but gave two.A really nice finish. Used Humbrol on my first ever model not again.
Matter of interest just been watching a programe on paintings & they showed a painting with an oil varnish then on computer with the varnish removed. Remarkable how the oil based varnish (Same as Humbrol) turned brown & all the blues which read as green.