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Advice:Starting new Model: Mosquito

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    Advice:Starting new Model: Mosquito

    Was going for my first Tamiya Model pursuing quality but remembered that I had a Mosquito B MK.IV in "stock" 1/48 Revell. Skill 5 level (ambitious for me).

    Before starting has any one any experience of this build ? Looks to me to have some very nice detail. Also the transparent bits seem well formed & clear.

    I suppose I am asking is it a quality model ? Any advice gratefully received. Still finishing the latest but already getting excited about this one. Made a 15 min video about this aircraft some years ago & in the research found what an incredible little aircraft. So totally versatile & popular with crews in almost every field that war in the air can offer. Also this includes the quirky English nature of the history of its origins.

  • Ian M
    • Dec 2008
    • 18257
    • Ian
    • Falster, Denmark

    If memory serves Graham aka Fenlander built this kit. Not sure if there was a build step by step, but there are pictures in the finished section. T'was rather nice i must say.

    Rivet counters will tell you that the spinners are the wronge shape and the UC struts are to short, or was it to long?!?!?! Some guy said that the wheels/tyres are the wrong size to, but not sure about that.

    WHAT EVER this is still a great kit, builds well and the results are worth the extra little bit of effort and very much worth the (somewhat cheaper than Tamiya's) price.

    Just found the one Graham built well worth a look!

    Ian M
    Group builds



    • Dave W
      • Jan 2011
      • 4713

      Laurie.Personally i wouldnt worry if the kits not totally accurate.Im of the school of thought that if it looks like a Mosquito thats good enough for me.I know others on this forum feel the same.I've got an old monogram mossie in my stash and im not going to worry if the wings are a millimetre too short or whatever.Mind you,The spinners look a bit too big!.


      • Guest

        It was a great build but I made life hard for myself by trying to display the engines which at the end of, were not really worth the effort cutting the panels open as they do not fit that well. As Ian says, and I put in the finished write up, the spinners are supposed to be the wrong shape and the UC legs a tad short but does that stop it looking like a Mosquito? I thought I had done a build thread on it but I cannot find it but here are a couple of pics to show the interior detail.

        The undercarriage legs and wheels

        and the bomb bay which is superbly detailed


        • Guest

          Thanks Graham for your time & trouble in getting that in the thread. Very much appreciated. Hope I can get some where near to your quality of construction. Got to get down to planning how I attempt it. I know from the previous five models I have completed it is not good starting on a wing & a prayer. The two wings even.



          • Guest

            The only fault that one of our club members (ex-Mosquito pilot) could find was that the canopy was too shallow, something nobody else has ever mentioned. He replaced it with the Airfix item, and the difference was astonishing. When you fit the wings to the fuselage, you'll find that the joins are covered by a pair of covers; do NOT make a trial fitting of those covers, since the fit is so good, you'll have an absolute nightmare of a job, getting them out again.



            • Guest

              Thanks Edgar that is very welcome essential advice. Pity Revell do not warn.


