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Decal problem.

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    Originally posted by Waspie
    I'm a firm believer in the KISS principle - Keep It Simple - Stupid
    That is exactly why I much prefer Pages and Numbers over their MS, LibreOffice etc. equivalents: they have the functionality I need but not all the bloat I don’t really, and they’re much more intuitive to use. (But at the same time, I know my way rather well around Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and to a lesser degree Photoshop )


    • Waspie
      • Mar 2023
      • 3488
      • Doug
      • Fraggle Rock

      Originally posted by Jakko
      That is exactly why I much prefer Pages and Numbers over their MS, LibreOffice etc. equivalents: they have the functionality I need but not all the bloat I don’t really, and they’re much more intuitive to use. (But at the same time, I know my way rather well around Adobe InDesign, Illustrator, and to a lesser degree Photoshop :smiling3: )
      I used to use PS years ago. I think it was PS6. A very long time ago. A transition to Linux for a while moved me over to GIMP but due to no real interest in 'doctored' images I gave them both up. I had the time and the patience then to learn its functions. A photographic mag of the day, Amateur Photographer, produced some useful training video's/tutorials on PS which was very useful.
      (GIMP will be removed from the SDD later tonight.) No point having unnecessary software taking up space!!!


      • Scratchbuilder
        • Jul 2022
        • 2689

        I hate to see a man in pain....
        PM me your address and I will put you a decal sheet in the mail on Monday....
        Do not argue - already in the scanner.....


        • Waspie
          • Mar 2023
          • 3488
          • Doug
          • Fraggle Rock

          Originally posted by Scratchbuilder
          I hate to see a man in pain....
          PM me your address and I will put you a decal sheet in the mail on Monday....
          Do not argue - already in the scanner.....
          Really really appreciate the offer Mike. But I feel this is something I can master. Already ordered the decal sheets and have made a start in Pages! Going to play with sizes today as the weather is crepe again!!!
          Going to beat this or - or. Whatever I do will include lots of naughty words of a nautical flavour.


          • Scratchbuilder
            • Jul 2022
            • 2689

            Originally posted by Waspie
            Really really appreciate the offer Mike. But I feel this is something I can master. Already ordered the decal sheets and have made a start in Pages! Going to play with sizes today as the weather is crepe again!!!
            Going to beat this or - or. Whatever I do will include lots of naughty words of a nautical flavour.
            Make sure you are working in mm and not pixels...


            • Waspie
              • Mar 2023
              • 3488
              • Doug
              • Fraggle Rock

              Originally posted by Scratchbuilder
              Make sure you are working in mm and not pixels...
              Posted something on my SK thread regards decal progress!! Basically using calipers to achieve the correct sizing. I'll be printing off test pieces on plain A4 before committing to a decal sheet print!!!


              • Guest

                Originally posted by Scratchbuilder
                Make sure you are working in mm and not pixels...
                That’s another advantage of using Pages instead of GIMP: being a word processor/DTP program hybrid, it works in real-world measurements rather than computer units

                BTW, Doug: when I said:—
                Originally posted by I
                Set it to layout mode on the Document settings
                … I wasn’t at my computer, so I was working from memory. The way to actually do this is by opening the File menu, then choosing Convert to Page Layout.


                • Waspie
                  • Mar 2023
                  • 3488
                  • Doug
                  • Fraggle Rock

                  Originally posted by Jakko
                  BTW, Doug: when I said:—

                  … I wasn’t at my computer, so I was working from memory. The way to actually do this is by opening the File menu, then choosing Convert to Page Layout.
                  Thanks again Jakko. Will the 'Convert to Page Layout' function work on an already produced document?
                  IE, if the document I have produced has text boxes in place will the remain once the doc has been converted?


                  • Guest

                    Try it — if stuff disappears, just hit ⌘Z


                    • Waspie
                      • Mar 2023
                      • 3488
                      • Doug
                      • Fraggle Rock

                      Originally posted by Jakko
                      Try it — if stuff disappears, just hit ⌘Z :smiling3:
                      Yup, tried it. Nothing changed other than a message asking was I sure!
                      I'm going to do a few dry runs before I commit to actual decal paper just to make sure everything appears to work.
                      I've mainly used Pages for drafting a 'book', (loose interpretation), of my service days. I kept diaries for years and after boring folk with my tales of derring-do I decided to write it all down before fact drifts into imagination. Twenty five years in military aviation kicks up some 'moments'.
                      Back on topic. I may create a new blank document tomorrow as a safety net.


                      • Guest

                        Originally posted by Waspie
                        Nothing changed other than a message asking was I sure!
                        If you had had text typed onto the page (rather than into a text box), that would have disappeared. Anything floating, though, like text boxes, shapes, etc. stays on the page — including ones anchored in the text.


                        • Waspie
                          • Mar 2023
                          • 3488
                          • Doug
                          • Fraggle Rock

                          Originally posted by Jakko
                          If you had had text typed onto the page (rather than into a text box), that would have disappeared. Anything floating, though, like text boxes, shapes, etc. stays on the page — including ones anchored in the text.
                          Everything I needed was inserted into a text box or as I tested, images were also treated the same as text boxes.
                          The image I didn’t need but thought I’d take the opportunity in case I use the process on future builds.
                          I created another page last night but converted it prior to adding text boxes.

