Yep the sandglow is an awesome retro colour, much like the blaze orange. The two would look nice side by side. I should soon be starting to take pics of multiple models in one shot, would be much more atmospheric than the individual models which I wanted to get done before doing pics of multiple models. The red/coffee beige cortina ghia is in progress though very slow moving, much like a few of these Leyland models!:smiling6:
1985 UK car park (1/43 scale)
Project been put on hold so no further pics until probably the summer, planning a couple more models with the red/coffee beige mk4 cortina ghia; a mk5 cortina GL toe be resprayed red from vanguards and possibly a gold series 1 rover sd from matrix models. The latter a bit of an unknown and I will only have this model if I feel it does the 1/1 model justice, practically all the 1/43 rover sd models from manufacturers are too small width wise so we shall see if matrix models can get it right.Comment
Hi all, a bit of an update as been away for a bit. Not exactly sure where I am in terms of thread, original post needs editing and updating.
So, since last post, have completed a Mk5 ford cortina 1.6L in tamiya french blue, W reg. Really like this model from vanguards, lots of work had to go into it.
- Talbot Sunbeam, which was blue, is in process of being resprayed lightish brown, identical spec.
- Ford cortina MK4 red/cream beige ghia will follow after the Talbot respray. Had spent lots of time on this, messing up on the vinyl roof hence thought it was better to completely leave it and come back to it once other models are finished.
- Not bothering with Matrix rover SD as model sadly is still too small width wise.
Pics of mk5 cortina should be up in next few weeks.Comment
Thanks, a very quick update. Given up on red/beige vinyl roof cortina, tried numerous times and just cannot get the vinyl roof as tidy as I'd like it. So now it's converted into another 1.6L in the classic retro colour of tuscan beige. I'm hoping to put up pics of this, with the blue Mk5 cortina and resprayed sunbeam (in red afterall after the red cortina vinyl roof failure) some time in the next few weeks.Comment
Right, sorry for delay, pics will be up hopefully before too long. However a bit of help needed regarding the MK3 escort. I've noticed the roofline is defo lower than the 1:1 models and I want to correct this! This can easily be corrected by cutting off just below the roof, adding filler then placing top back on again but the problem for me is I have no idea how to make the front and back windows. Does anyone know of any such people that do these things? I'll need the window to be put in after all the paintwork has been completed along with the window trim decals etc, so I'd like the removable windows as opposed to ones which are set on permanently. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Really want to fix this model, so much effort has gone into it to correct all the other parts which I'm happy with, now just requires a higher roofline and as a consequence bigger windows heightwise. The MK3 escort (base/L/GL) happens to be my second fave car of all time behind the sierra and I need a real looking on in my model collectionComment