Hello Folks! :smiling:
I've just joined the group (thanks Admin) and this is my first post.
This is going to be a lengthy build.
Twenty years ago, my dream was to design & build a bespoke oak framed Tudor styled house for myself, which I code named 'Project Merlin'. I completed the preliminary drawing work and started to build a 1:10 scaled model. My busy professional life at the time gave me little time to spend on Project Merlin, and consequently over time, it became a distant memory.
The partially built model ended up under a large bench in my old workshop gathering lots of dust. When I closed the workshop doors for the very last time during 2018, I left loads of stuff behind including the incomplete model of Project Merlin. The old drawing negatives are still in my parents’ loft bound together in a large roll with many other drawing negatives. Over the last weeks, I have re-designed and prepared a new set of 1:50 drawings using Microsoft Publisher – quite different to the old traditional A0X drawing board, but thoroughly enjoyable, nonetheless.
I have designed this project to actual measurement and scale with traditional construction methods as if it were going to be an actual full-size build If this were a full-size build, it probably wouldn’t meet with the current Building Regulations Fire Safety & Means of Escape. The drawings are self-explanatory, although the sectional elevations look busy and require a bit of studying to see what’s what. If I make the model at 1:12, the actual size will be 666mm wide x 1358mm long x 783mm high, or, I might make it at 1:15.
I'm now preparing a material list and getting ready to start the build.
Hope you like. :smiling:

I've just joined the group (thanks Admin) and this is my first post.
This is going to be a lengthy build.
Twenty years ago, my dream was to design & build a bespoke oak framed Tudor styled house for myself, which I code named 'Project Merlin'. I completed the preliminary drawing work and started to build a 1:10 scaled model. My busy professional life at the time gave me little time to spend on Project Merlin, and consequently over time, it became a distant memory.
The partially built model ended up under a large bench in my old workshop gathering lots of dust. When I closed the workshop doors for the very last time during 2018, I left loads of stuff behind including the incomplete model of Project Merlin. The old drawing negatives are still in my parents’ loft bound together in a large roll with many other drawing negatives. Over the last weeks, I have re-designed and prepared a new set of 1:50 drawings using Microsoft Publisher – quite different to the old traditional A0X drawing board, but thoroughly enjoyable, nonetheless.
I have designed this project to actual measurement and scale with traditional construction methods as if it were going to be an actual full-size build If this were a full-size build, it probably wouldn’t meet with the current Building Regulations Fire Safety & Means of Escape. The drawings are self-explanatory, although the sectional elevations look busy and require a bit of studying to see what’s what. If I make the model at 1:12, the actual size will be 666mm wide x 1358mm long x 783mm high, or, I might make it at 1:15.
I'm now preparing a material list and getting ready to start the build.
Hope you like. :smiling:
