Wonderful work. Everywhere little details.
Going underground: "BMP in Aleppo ll"
Hello Gents
the Mg Nest is Nearing completion needs still some final whaethering and the addition of some DSHK ammo boxes.
The table in the Corner fits the scene very well methinks
"Fire Step" from an empty crate for the gunner to stand on.
Lots of Shell casings - maybe som more?
Adding a casualty:
I have become less squeamish over the years in terms of adding Casualties to my dio's.
That being said, IMHO it need to be done in taste and support the story. In this case, I want a general atmosphere around the building to support an impression of a "Last Ditch Stand" where rebs have fallen back to the Ruined building in (semi) prepared positions. Adding a fallen Gunner in the vicinity of the MG makes sense, as the Prescence of a casualty adds a sense of "this building was recently captured" (bodies tend to cleared away in hot klimate zones fairly quickly).
Playing around with the positions:
the most effective use seems to be near the MG (or?) :
..But could also be placed in the holes in the wall made by the defenders (this will showcase their use):
or maybe on some of the other floors or the Street - will post some more pics👍 4Comment
Thanks Jim - any particular reason ?
BTW I was amiss in not detailing what can affect the eye of the beholder
The room will be darker once the roof goes on contributing to this is the broken slaps of concrete which partially obscure the wiev into the room
Therefore in my mind the most effective use of the casualty is with head facing the wiewer near the edge
Excellent stuff as always from you Steven, I think the casualty should be in the hole in the wall, to draw the eye.
👍 1Comment
Hello Chaps
thanks for the likes and comments
Today wil wil be looking at the figures for the dio - som of which I have not touched since 2021 so A bit of recap is in order:
The Rebs:
The Casualty:
Was originally vearing a Baclava but I used Magic Sculp to cover it with the more appropriate Arab keffiyeh - you can still see the edges of the Balaclava in the Photos
Guy Observing the BMP:
He is in the latter stages of Completion and just need a sling for the AK he got a new head form Hornet and like the casualty I added beard using magic Sculp.
old pic 2018 to show his role peering through the destroyed wall
His Commanding Officer
Still need some work - not to mention a head -he will be standing next to the guy peering around the corner giving orders on the Com to the guys in the Tunnels below.
Once again Hornet Heads were used w. added beard
Regime BMP crew:
Regime BMP crew members discussing map details, oblivious to the fact that they are being watched -rebs are peering from behind a wall and a cut away section of the diorama will show further rebs amassing in tunnels below. The two crew members are from Miniart with some conversions - the map will be spread out onto the drivers hatch.
thanks for watching
👍 3Comment
As my main focus is the finish the rooms in the building and then mount it on the base I have focused on finishing the Casualty, as groundwork i.e. rubble, needs to added around it,
Here is a far as i have gotten- jacket and flesh parts are in oills the trousers (will be in woodland Camo ) will be in Acrylic
Stay safe
Steven👍 4Comment
Hello Chaps
Hope the weekend finds you well.
The Casualty is nearing completion only a diluted "camo Wash" for the Trousers remains (not done in pics) - I use Citadel but there are others, finishing his personal weapon and final mounting remains.
If you will pardon the morbidity, this will be his final resting place
See ya'
👍 1Comment