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Keep down, they might see you, German Halftrack and figures WW2

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  • pjgtech
    SMF Supporters
    • Dec 2023
    • 741
    • Peter
    • Swale Kent UK


    Keep down, they might see you, German Halftrack and figures WW2

    This idea for a diorama has been growing over the last few days.
    Having already built a German Halftrack (1:35) and built up some generic German WW2 figures, it seemed an ideal opportunity to try a diorama using them both.
    Not based on any particular event, just an idea that these troops have come upon the enemy and are staying out sight, hiding behind a small hill and old dilapidated building/wall, just trying to observe and carry out some reconnaissance.
    Foam board base, not yet completed but some layers added.
    Click image for larger version  Name:	Diorama haftrak jan25 start  (1).jpg Views:	0 Size:	358.5 KB ID:	1247363
    I will be adding fine plaster/PVA mix to add texture to the base.
    I have built up one corner to be a small hill/rise.
    Once textured, I may also add some track marks, a lollipop stick (cut square at one end, seems the perfect tool to make the track lines), we'll see....
    The idea for the final layout is not yet finalised, but will be something like this....
    Click image for larger version  Name:	Diorama haftrak jan25 start  (3).jpg Views:	0 Size:	327.6 KB ID:	1247364
    The wall is too "neat" at the moment, I have already drilled it so it looks like there are some bullet holes, but I think I will "distress" it a bit more, maybe chip some bit off, use a soldering iron to mimic a couple of shell holes, etc....
    The final position of the oil drums, sandbags, etc is not set yet, juts put there for effect to see how they look, may add some other details too.

    I like the fact that most of the figures are prone, or crouching or kneeling, so well suited to hiding and being discrete and recce'ing an area, etc.
    I have a few more figures, so again, the final selection and position of figures is not yet set in stone.
    Click image for larger version  Name:	Diorama haftrak jan25 start  (4).jpg Views:	0 Size:	257.4 KB ID:	1247365
    Once the base is done, textured, etc I will also be adding natural features, eg: grass (via 2mm static grass, sprinkled) and some model making "foilage" and adding hard features, eg: some small rocks, cork, etc. I may even raid the wife's garden stock of fine grit, etc.

    To be honest this is just a test/practice diorama for me, to see what it involves, how its done, whether I want to maybe do a few more, so it will be, as they say, a "learning experience".
    Last edited by pjgtech; 27 January 2025, 18:45. Reason: edit
  • Valeron
    SMF Supporters
    • Jan 2022
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    • Mike
    • St Albans

    Nice one Peter. I reckon this will look great when finished and also it'll be a good challenge for you. I still haven't done my first diorama so will watch this with interest.



    • Jim R
      SMF Supporters
      • Apr 2018
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      • Jim
      • Shropshire

      Planning looks fine. The best way to "learn" is to have a go. You'll learn a lot from your first Dio.


      • PaulTRose
        SMF Supporters
        • Jun 2013
        • 6426
        • Paul
        • Tattooine

        If you dont try you dont learn

        But dont put too many figures on it or it will look too 'cluttered'

        But above all else.....have fun!
        Per Ardua

        We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no ones been


        • Gern
          SMF Supporters
          • May 2009
          • 9202

          Looks like you have the right approach Peter. Try things out and see what works. Like Paul says though, too many figures can clutter up your scene.

          Might I suggest you lose the large machine gun and figure? It doesn't seem likely to me that a reconnaissance squad would take the time to set that up, and removing it gives you more options for the placement of the other figures. That's just my thought though. It's your dio so you should build it the way you want.


          • pjgtech
            pjgtech commented
            Editing a comment
            Yep, was thinking of losing the kneeling a & prone machine gunners. As you say if it a recce mission, they would prioritise intel gathering rather than being offensive/aggressive. As I said just playing around with set-up so far, nothing is set in stone yet. Plus I have a few more figures to build that also might be more appropriate to chose from. The ones in the photos are just the figures that I have built so far, there still a few more to do. Cheers for the tip though... 8-)
            Last edited by pjgtech; 27 January 2025, 21:57. Reason: edit
        • spanner570
          SMF Supporters
          • May 2009
          • 15376

          Good plan, Stan!

          Just one observation and early days yet I realise, but the model as it stands and as others have written, might well be too cluttered.

          For instance, do you really need the sandbags and oil drums? At the minute it is a recce. squad.

          Keep the subject simple too. The finished model will be far more restful on the eyes....

          Just some early and hopefully helpful observations, Peter, but as the old saying goes "Your model, your method"

          Have fun and good luck with the build.

          Last edited by spanner570; 28 January 2025, 11:40.


          • pjgtech
            pjgtech commented
            Editing a comment
            yep, just seeing how things look, so nothing finalised yet, but I wanted a "small" diorama as its my first, so went with A5 size, so yes I can see how it would quickly get overcrowded. Will bear it in mind, All advice welcome....cheers.
        • spanner570
          SMF Supporters
          • May 2009
          • 15376

          Missed the edit time out (again!)
          Another thought. Why use lollipop sticks for the track markings? Use the Halftrack itself. The tracks will be covered in mud anyway.

          Again, just a passing observation which I hope might be of help.


          • pjgtech
            pjgtech commented
            Editing a comment
            I was not sure if stuff would get stuck to the tracks, but yes, can see how using the actual tracks would be better, cheers.
            Last edited by pjgtech; 28 January 2025, 13:32. Reason: edit
        • spanner570
          SMF Supporters
          • May 2009
          • 15376

          Peter, if you don't want the muck to stay on the tracks simply bed the halftrack into the base stuff to get the track impressions, remove and then clean off the tracks with some water and an old toothbrush.

          Now't like the real thing........


          • pjgtech
            pjgtech commented
            Editing a comment
            Lol, too late, I've already used my lolly stick! 8-)
            TBH, as this is a only practice diorama, its more about me learning what works & what doesn't & the lolly sticks worked fine, obviously will not look as good as using the actual tracks. But I have now learn what to do to make impressions, Next time I'll use actual tracks, etc.
        • pjgtech
          SMF Supporters
          • Dec 2023
          • 741
          • Peter
          • Swale Kent UK

          Update, the Tamiya wall I have is a bit too plain and almost perfect, so needed distressing.
          I drilled a few small holes to imitate bullet holes, only very basic, but still a (small) improvement.
          NB: I used the little Tamiya (kit) drill, been using it for months, drilling small holes, and its still on its first set of batteries
          Very impressed with that little drill, great for small holes in kits.....
          Click image for larger version

Name:	Diorama haftrak jan25 wall.jpg
Views:	50
Size:	229.3 KB
ID:	1247452
          Then I cut off a few bricks so it was much more uneven.... and roughed up a few edges.....another small improvement....
          But the bullet holes are still too small and still too plain....

          Click image for larger version

Name:	diorama germ haftrak 28jan25  (4).jpg
Views:	45
Size:	747.0 KB
ID:	1247453
          So to my eye, it still didn't look like a wall in a war zone, needs more "Damage"!
          So out comes the bigger (proper) drill and the Dremel (clone) and started making a few more holes,
          Made some bigger bullet holes, and a couple of shell holes, and splayed out the hole edges a bit so they look like something explosive has hit them, and then chipped away at various bricks and edges so its look old and battered. Not a bad job if I do say so myself. 8-)
          Click image for larger version

Name:	diorama germ haftrak 28jan25  (7).jpg
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Size:	421.2 KB
ID:	1247454
          Click image for larger version

Name:	diorama germ haftrak 28jan25  (6).jpg
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Size:	436.0 KB
ID:	1247455
          I think I have decided on just the three figures for this diorama, as they all appear to be looking out for the enemy in various poses.
          Still not finished painting the figures, but as I've done a few now, I am getting quicker at it and slowly improving the look and finish.


          • PaulTRose
            SMF Supporters
            • Jun 2013
            • 6426
            • Paul
            • Tattooine

            That wall looks loads better
            Per Ardua

            We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no ones been


            • pjgtech
              SMF Supporters
              • Dec 2023
              • 741
              • Peter
              • Swale Kent UK

              Bit more progress...

              Have now primed the base, and put first basic coats of paint on the base, which will be mostly covered by grass and foilage.
              I want the main road/track to be sort of sandy, (or may change it to mud?) and the two raised side corners to be dirt/grass/foilage/rocks, etc.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	Dio germhaftrak 28jan25 later (1).jpg
Views:	47
Size:	404.7 KB
ID:	1247485
              Started painting the wall, colouring some bricks lighter/darker for variety, still bit crude, needs tidying up, but you get the idea.
              Where the wall has a straight edge, I might attempt a small slither of Balsa, distress it a bit, to maybe suggest an old door frame, or summit.
              I may also attempt some remnants of old floorboards on (what would have been) the inside section.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	Dio germhaftrak 28jan25 later (3).jpg
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Size:	259.2 KB
ID:	1247486
              Click image for larger version

Name:	Dio germhaftrak 28jan25 later (2).jpg
Views:	43
Size:	296.5 KB
ID:	1247487
              When I distressed the wall I kept the few brickk that I cut off and will use them as "rubble", maybe laying on the inside section.
              Click image for larger version

Name:	Dio germhaftrak 28jan25 later (5).jpg
Views:	43
Size:	292.4 KB
ID:	1247488
              You will notice that I have cut chunks off my large cork, as I watched a YT vid where they suggested using bits of cork as rubble, rocks, etc, so I'm pinching that idea too.... Lol
              Lastly I have now pretty much finished painting the three figures that I will be using, two of them still need their eyes painting in (just plain black dots) and couple of other bits touched up, belt buckles, etc and their weapons attached, one has an MP40 and the other has a 98K (I think).
              NB: not their final position on the base, just to show them.....
              Click image for larger version

Name:	Dio germhaftrak 28jan25 later (4).jpg
Views:	44
Size:	273.9 KB
ID:	1247489
              Then it will be on to adding textures, grass, rocks, foilage, etc.....!!!!


              • Airborne01
                SMF Supporters
                • Mar 2021
                • 3919
                • Steve
                • Essex

                Cat litter (unused of course!) is great for rocks, rubble etc. It has the added advantages of being chap, plentiful and easy to work!


                • pjgtech
                  SMF Supporters
                  • Dec 2023
                  • 741
                  • Peter
                  • Swale Kent UK

                  Todays update....
                  Still not finished, but making good progress.

                  Added some small rocks to give a few "hard" textures, using grit and slate from the Wife's garden stash of aggregate and a few little bits of cut up cork.

                  NB: I've read and seen on YT that having the main diorama at an angle, rather than dead straight or parallel with the board edges, gives a better "look", a bit like the rule of thirds for photography? So that's what I've gone for, the main track running diagonal and the wall/part building also at an angle and offset.
                  Click image for larger version  Name:	Diorama ger haftrak 29jan25_ (1).jpg Views:	0 Size:	406.4 KB ID:	1247538
                  Also added some sand pigment to the main track area to give a sandy/dusty effect.
                  Then added the brick wall/remnant of a building.
                  Quite pleased with that part TBH, as I managed to cut some floorboards, (out of thin balsa) and even put little joists underneath, and broke a couple of the boards and left some gaps and uneven boards, as a dilapidated building would be. Then stained the boards and also added a strip to the wall straight edge, to imitate what's left of a door frame.
                  Lastly added a few bricks and bits of broken timbers to simulate "rubble".
                  I might dirty it up a bit more add some dust/dirt, etc.

                  Not quite happy with the colour of the wall, I may lighten it a bit as I think its a bit too dark, we'll see.
                  Click image for larger version  Name:	Diorama ger haftrak 29jan25_ (2).jpg Views:	0 Size:	458.0 KB ID:	1247537
                  Click image for larger version  Name:	Diorama ger haftrak 29jan25_ (7).jpg Views:	0 Size:	980.9 KB ID:	1247534
                  Then lastly today I added some grass, using 2mm static grass, just painting on PVA, leaving it to go tacky for a few minutes, then sprinkling the grass on top, waiting a few more minutes then shaking off the excess grass. Not perfect, but seemed to work ok.
                  Its all one colour at the moment, but I also have some darker grass, so will be adding some dark patches to make it less monochrome.
                  Click image for larger version  Name:	Diorama ger haftrak 29jan25_ (11).jpg Views:	0 Size:	591.2 KB ID:	1247535
                  I think I have now pretty much settled on the what the final layout will be, placing the halftrack and figures as seen here, I might move them a little bit, but that is basically the final layout that I'm after. All three being a bit discrete and clandestine and keeping lookout, from behind the vehicle and from behind the large hill and the small rocks.
                  Click image for larger version  Name:	Diorama ger haftrak 29jan25_ (10).jpg Views:	0 Size:	566.9 KB ID:	1247536
                  So next steps will be adding darker patches of grass, then adding some larger foilage/brush/bushes, etc. Maybe lighten the wall a bit. Then add some weathering, the troops (all nicely and freshly painted) are far too clean!
                  Then I have already cut a nice border out of Balsa would which I will stick on at the end, to cover the view of the foam boards from the sides.

                  What would the hive mind recommend as the best weathering for the troops?
                  Last edited by pjgtech; 29 January 2025, 19:09. Reason: edit


                  • HAWKERHUNTER
                    SMF Supporters
                    • Feb 2012
                    • 1503
                    • Steve
                    • Halifax, West Yorks.

                    I have to say Peter I have followed your modeling journey from day one and this latest piece really showcases how well you have progressed. Probably your best model to date.


                    • pjgtech
                      pjgtech commented
                      Editing a comment
                      Thanx, quite pleased with it, not quite finished it yet though, there's still a few more little bits to finalise. I have found that with every model that I complete, I tend to learn something new along the way, so thats good, and as always the advice on here is always great too. 8-)
                  • pjgtech
                    SMF Supporters
                    • Dec 2023
                    • 741
                    • Peter
                    • Swale Kent UK

                    Todays update...
                    I added some patches of darker grass, so its not all one colour.
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	dio germhaftrak 30jan25 base (2).jpg
Views:	29
Size:	450.3 KB
ID:	1247647
                    I added some light foilage, eg: low level brush type growth.
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	dio germhaftrak 30jan25 base (3).jpg
Views:	30
Size:	471.4 KB
ID:	1247646
                    I lightened the wall a bit with more lighter colour bricks.
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	dio germhaftrak 30jan25 base (1).jpg
Views:	28
Size:	448.7 KB
ID:	1247648
                    I added the base border, in black and cut it and shaped it with a few little curves to try to accentuate the uneven terrain.
                    I have finalised the few paint bits with the figures, and given them a gloss coat, so they are very shiny.
                    Tomorrow I hope to add some decals to the figures. I'm sure that will be very fiddly!
                    I added a couple of sand bags to the derelict wall/part building, and an oily fuel can to the back of the half track.
                    Then a final matt coat on the figures and that should be about it.
                    I am conscious of not "overdoing it" and knowing when to stop!
                    But we are nearly there.....
                    Click image for larger version

Name:	dio germhaftrak 30jan25 scenerio (1).jpg
Views:	29
Size:	491.9 KB
ID:	1247649

