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Snorkeling off a Saipan beach......The Players.

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  • spanner570
    SMF Supporters
    • May 2009
    • 15376

    Struth, 8 months in replying! I'm really sorry....

    It was only whilst I'm waiting for the 'sea' to harden on my Bismarck base, that I spotted this forgotten build sitting on the bench in the garage, so as I had some spare PVA and muck lying around, I did a bit more work on the aircraft.

    Also, using a stiff brush, I've stippled on some different colours of marine growth using Vallejo 'Air' acrylics.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	1175077

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ID:	1175079

    Here it is almost finished. I proved to myself when I modelled a sunken U. Boat on here, that it is possible to paint 'depth'.....To my satisfaction, anyway

    If trying this at home boys and girls, please ensure the surface of the model is rock hard, and I mean hard! Then with the largest flat headed brush you have slosh the whole thing with a suitably diluted blue /green paint. Once bone dry, repeat and repeat and.....

    If the surface is not dead 'ard, all your lovely Barny Cals will simply lift clean off!

    For the background, I use a piece of card, painted more or less the same colour, it's just a different shade.

    The aircraft is at a snorkel depth of around 30ft, so still plenty of surface light and a bit of natural colour remains.
    Click image for larger version

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Size:	3.4 KB
ID:	1175080

    Next up I'll do the same to the knackered L.C.

    Cheers all, and once again my sincere apologies for the well overdue response to your posts. I simply forgot about the model. :upside:



    • adt70hk
      SMF Supporters
      • Sep 2019
      • 10395


      That's brilliant!!

      Again great work.



      • scottie3158
        SMF Supporters
        • Apr 2018
        • 14189
        • Paul
        • Holbeach

        Just so I understand this brilliance, the blue in the picture is painted and not a picture filter. It looks incredible mate.


        • Ian M
          • Dec 2008
          • 18255
          • Ian
          • Falster, Denmark

          In a way I am glad that you found this again Ron or I will never have gotten to see it! I totally missed it first time around!
          That LC is pretty cool for a cardboard box!
          Group builds



          • spanner570
            SMF Supporters
            • May 2009
            • 15376

            Thanks Andrew, Paul and Ian.

            Paul. The blue is painted on. When I built this 1/350 sunken U. Boat on here, I thought there must be a way of actually painting sea depth. I'm sure we've all seen 'Artist's impressions' of Bismarck as she is today, so I figured it might just be possible to paint a model the same way....

            After numerous goes I managed to get it summat like.

            To show there is no filter, here is that sub. Obviously this is supposed to be deeper in the ocean, hence the darker, deeper colour than the shallower Grumman fighter above.
            Click image for larger version

Name:	Iron Coffin 042.jpg
Views:	16
Size:	3.2 KB
ID:	1175099

            As I wrote earlier, the trick is to make sure any marine growth is well and truly stuck on, or the numerous paint washes simply remove every bit of it.

            Also, keep the background blue all the same shade. It sort of makes it look infinite.

            Believe me, no one was more surprised than me with the totally unexpected result.

            "You never know until you try, and if you don't try, you will never know." My Dad.

            Cheers chaps.


            • Jim R
              SMF Supporters
              • Apr 2018
              • 15604
              • Jim
              • Shropshire

              Hi Ron
              Very convincing. Just shows how we can be fooled just by colour.


              • Dave Ward
                SMF Supporters
                • Apr 2018
                • 10549

                Originally posted by spanner570
                Welcome to the shallow waters around Saipan. I hope you have your mask, snorkel and fins (Please don't call them 'Flippers!) to hand?

                I started this over on 'What's on the bench?' But now, you poor people, I'm going to continue the build in a bit more detail, so it will no longer be suitable for W.O.T.B.

                I'm going to try and build the following and place them 'underwater' An aircraft, an LCM (Both 1/72) and possibly a 1/350 submarine or something similar. I don't know yet.

                I am cheating a bit, as I have already built a semi submerged Sherman tank, so it seems daft to build another, but it will be in the final line up.......

                A quick recap.
                First off the blocks is a 1/72 Grumman Wildcat.
                I made the remains of the cockpit frame from thin strips of plastic card.

                I've also cut out the control surfaces, as I intend to scratch build just the skeleton framework, devoid of covering. I don't know whether these were fabric covered or metal. I'm not bothered which, as hopefully they will be more interesting naked nude.....

                The 'finished' aircraft. I like to complete underwater stuff before adding the barnyculs, as it gives me an opportunity to mess with any marine growth to reveal bits of decal and paintwork. This hopefully, makes for a more varied surface to the subject....

                I wanted to show the engine, so I hacked off the engine cowl and bent it downwards, then added crushed gravel and filler sprinkled onto some pva. Ready now for some 'Fiddling'


                This brings me up to date.

                We will probably be snorkeling to about 10mtrs, so you will experience some pain in your eardrums. Simply pinch you nose through your mask and swallow. Your ears will pop (try it now as you read this to get the pop, yes I know you are not wearing a mask. Although it wouldn't surprise me if 453 has one on!) and the pain will disappear.

                If it doesn't go away, please surface by the safety boat....Wimp!

                ...and NO refunds!

                Jack Custard
                Prefer a glass bottomed boat - you can see the sights, whilst clutching an ice-cold stubby!
                ( did that in Rabaul - sunken Jap ships everywhere! )


                • Tim Marlow
                  SMF Supporters
                  • Apr 2018
                  • 18871
                  • Tim
                  • Somerset UK

                  Great use of colour Ron. Nice one :thumb2:


                  • Allen Dewire
                    SMF Supporters
                    • Apr 2018
                    • 4741
                    • Allen
                    • Bamberg

                    Great to see these "Crusties" back on the bench Ron. This is a great idea and you've made good progress. I am a little bummed out though....I guess there won't be any chucking up in this one either........................

                    Life's to short to be a sheep...


                    • outrunner
                      • Apr 2019
                      • 2420

                      Another lesson in wreckage dios from the master.



                      • Mini Me
                        SMF Supporters
                        • Jun 2018
                        • 10711

                        Nah Andy.....'ats just 570 spilling his "Wheat a bix" all over the place!! Seriously great modeling there Mr. Ron......I really wouldn't know where to begin with something like this. You have defo done yourself proud, Sir! :thumb2:


                        • spanner570
                          SMF Supporters
                          • May 2009
                          • 15376

                          Thanks everyone.....

                          Originally posted by Mini Me
                          ....I really wouldn't know where to begin with something like this.
                          Rick. A good start would be to have a look at Si's stuff (eddiesolo)

                          Thanks again chaps.


                          • spanner570
                            SMF Supporters
                            • May 2009
                            • 15376

                            I've just been rooting around in my loft for summat that has now't to do with model making, and came across the two models on this build started in 2022, so I thought it time to complete it!

                            To be honest, it's just needs all the stuff putting together as a '" Completed Diorama" sort of, kind'a, just for fun build......

                            Thanks for your patience and understanding.
                            You are 134 in our waiting list......and your call is very important to us.

                            Your servant,

                            Clare Rayner
                            Last edited by spanner570; 08 February 2025, 14:08.


                            • Jim R
                              SMF Supporters
                              • Apr 2018
                              • 15604
                              • Jim
                              • Shropshire

                              Originally posted by spanner570
                              Your servant,

                              Clare Rayner
                              Now I understand what you've been up to over the last two and a half years. You've had the op and become Clare! ???

                              I remember this and look forward to seeing it all come together, at last!


                              • spanner570
                                SMF Supporters
                                • May 2009
                                • 15376

                                Nice one JIm!
                                It has been a fair old time and I well remember the fun we all had when I was putting it all together. To be honest I had completely forgot about it - Until today's visit to the loft.

                                Anyway, it still is a fun build. I have all the elements now, so it's just about putting it all together. via pickies.

                                Lots of love.
                                Clare ( with a high pitched voice)

