I'm glad this is now done, or should that be 'done'? There's a ton of shortcomings, some of which - but only some - I could correct. But I'm not going to, because I've learned a lot during the build, mainly to do with figure painting with oils, and I can't correct some of the most glaring problems, so why expend energy sorting out the rest?
Shortcomings include a warped hardwood base, which I think occurred because I put the figure on a radiator to speed curing the oils. I've set the base on three felt pads so it doesn't rock about, but it's most unsatisfactory. Another issue is great splodges of black oil paint you can clearly see on the horse's neck. I won't be doing THAT again!
I'm particularly pleased with the (acrylic) TMM, painted in a roughly NMM style. I'm looking forward to using a similar approach to metals - in oils - on my next figure.
Here we are:

Shortcomings include a warped hardwood base, which I think occurred because I put the figure on a radiator to speed curing the oils. I've set the base on three felt pads so it doesn't rock about, but it's most unsatisfactory. Another issue is great splodges of black oil paint you can clearly see on the horse's neck. I won't be doing THAT again!
I'm particularly pleased with the (acrylic) TMM, painted in a roughly NMM style. I'm looking forward to using a similar approach to metals - in oils - on my next figure.
Here we are: