There was a big gap in painting this figure, caused by summer holidays (which is a very good reason indeed, of course). I kind of lost the thread a bit, but I'm reasonably happy with the end result.
Two elements I wanted to improve upon with this figure were smooth skin tones (which I'd already got a long way with doing my previous figure, Thitania). I'm happy with how that turned out - definitely needed to take a systematic approach with this, so i didnt get lost going back and forth with the various skin tones (which I did with Thitania). The end result is not that much better than that figure, but the process was much more straightforward, allowing for further improvement in future - which is good.
The other area I wanted to push myself a bit was with freehand. It's always a bit intimidating, but I've definitely learnt that you need to start with simple shapes and steadily develop the complexity as you go, back and forth with the colours, constantly refining and tidying edges. Room for lots more improvement, but the shield and the leopardskin are both better than any freehand I've done before (again, not necessarily the end result, but a much more systematic approach that should allow for further improvement).
Anyway, here's the pics.

Two elements I wanted to improve upon with this figure were smooth skin tones (which I'd already got a long way with doing my previous figure, Thitania). I'm happy with how that turned out - definitely needed to take a systematic approach with this, so i didnt get lost going back and forth with the various skin tones (which I did with Thitania). The end result is not that much better than that figure, but the process was much more straightforward, allowing for further improvement in future - which is good.
The other area I wanted to push myself a bit was with freehand. It's always a bit intimidating, but I've definitely learnt that you need to start with simple shapes and steadily develop the complexity as you go, back and forth with the colours, constantly refining and tidying edges. Room for lots more improvement, but the shield and the leopardskin are both better than any freehand I've done before (again, not necessarily the end result, but a much more systematic approach that should allow for further improvement).
Anyway, here's the pics.