I'm a very lucky boy. I've just got back from a month in India, and had a fabulous time.
As a bonus, I brought back this splendid sculpt of Ganesha, which I'm intending to paint.
It was shrink wrapped, and when I removed the wrapping the figure smelt strongly of petroleum. I'm guessing it comes from the polish that has been applied to it. The smell has now dissipated, but I'm wondering whether I should try removing the surface finish, or just blast it with primer and see what happens. I think I'll probably do the latter.

As a bonus, I brought back this splendid sculpt of Ganesha, which I'm intending to paint.
It was shrink wrapped, and when I removed the wrapping the figure smelt strongly of petroleum. I'm guessing it comes from the polish that has been applied to it. The smell has now dissipated, but I'm wondering whether I should try removing the surface finish, or just blast it with primer and see what happens. I think I'll probably do the latter.