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1st attempt at a face, your opinions?

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  • Adrian "Marvel" Reynolds
    • Apr 2012
    • 3008


    1st attempt at a face, your opinions?

    As the title says I've had a go at painting a face, its not fantastic but wanted your thoughts, to be fair it loos a lot better when the camera flash isn't washing it out


    I can see myself that the lips need a different colour and the pupils need dotting, but please jump in and help out


    Attached Files
  • Guest

    Well if I could do a quarter as good I would be happy, incredible work


    • Guest

      to give your eys some life after dotting the pupils on, give them a slight off centre tiny highlight of white or similar. Either that or maybe a coat of gloss to get a nice catch light effect.

      This is a suggestion from my photography hobby... I haven't tried it on a model so maybe someone can agree or slate it!


      • Alan 45
        • Nov 2012
        • 9833

        That's very good for a first attempt , what scale is it ?

        To get a better definition on the face lines you could use a pin wash in the creases an a dry brush just to give the face a bit of depth


        • monica
          • Oct 2013
          • 15169

          very nice Adrian,for a 1st try your on the right track,

          what Dougie,said to make the eyes stand out i would of said,

          to get the pupils on,i use a cocktail stick,as you cannot real over load it

          with paint and just a dot in each eye,

          you do need to refine around bottom/top of the eyes,and in most .I use beige tinned with a

          little smoke ,or gray to show them off,and a very fine line upper/lower of a red beige to show,

          the eye outline,

          lips on men are always hard i fine,as there not ment to real be a red color but some were between

          a dark flesh color is what i use and then give a wash with burnt cad,red,,

          this should get into all the lines around the nose,lips,chin,and even ears,

          his hair and eyebrows are great looking well done,


          • Adrian "Marvel" Reynolds
            • Apr 2012
            • 3008

            Thanks all,

            I can see where I need to improve now, though I don't want to make his face too hard lined. I see lots at shows and a lot of people like them but to me they look almost zombie like, if that makes sense.

            This picture below is what I'm trying to say


            Now I know its great work and he's one of our members and has won competitions with his work, but to me it's over done.

            I was trying to create smoother transitions in the face tones but have a long way to go


            Attached Files


            • john i am
              SMF Supporters
              • Apr 2012
              • 4019

              Originally posted by \
              Thanks all,
              I can see where I need to improve now, though I don't want to make his face too hard lined. I see lots at shows and a lot of people like them but to me they look almost zombie like, if that makes sense.

              This picture below is what I'm trying to say


              Now I know its great work and he's one of our members and has won competitions with his work, but to me it's over done.

              I was trying to create smoother transitions in the face tones but have a long way to go

              I think I know what you mean Ade if you look at the hands on the figure of the man it seems the painting is smoother and the tones high and low lights run into each other better than the face which although is very nice seems a bit harsh


              • Alan 45
                • Nov 2012
                • 9833

                Originally posted by \
                Thanks all,
                I can see where I need to improve now, though I don't want to make his face too hard lined. I see lots at shows and a lot of people like them but to me they look almost zombie like, if that makes sense.

                This picture below is what I'm trying to say


                Now I know its great work and he's one of our members and has won competitions with his work, but to me it's over done.

                I was trying to create smoother transitions in the face tones but have a long way to go

                From what I understand Adrian that can only be done with oil paints , that proccess is layered , light to dark , I personally don't like that look I think it looks too cartoon , nether the less it's done by a very skilful person


                • Guest

                  A tip -

                  Don't use black for the pupils. It's far too harsh at these scales.

                  Use a mid to slightly dark grey.

                  You'll be surprised at how effective it is.

                  I tried painting Pat McGoohan for my Prisoner Lotus 7.

                  In the end, I found a nice portrait of him on the web, made a waterslide decal and applied it over the figure face.

                  Microsol helped it settle in to the nooks and crannies, and then I added more paint after that.

                  I'm fairly happy with the result.




                  • geegad
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 2329

                    Cracking first attempt and know what you mean about the zombie look amazing painting on the uniform but that face is weird looking


                    • monica
                      • Oct 2013
                      • 15169

                      Originally posted by \
                      A tip -
                      Don't use black for the pupils. It's far too harsh at these scales.

                      Use a mid to slightly dark grey.

                      You'll be surprised at how effective it is.

                      I tried painting Pat McGoohan for my Prisoner Lotus 7.

                      In the end, I found a nice portrait of him on the web, made a waterslide decal and applied it over the figure face.

                      Microsol helped it settle in to the nooks and crannies, and then I added more paint after that.

                      I'm fairly happy with the result.


                      wow Roy,

                      what a very neat idea,

                      but for me its far out of my rage to be able to do,

                      that type of stuff I just cannot get right,

                      but a great idea,


                      • monica
                        • Oct 2013
                        • 15169

                        I do see what you mean Adrian,with that figure,

                        it is done very well and so much credit to who painted it,

                        but it dose cross the line of life like to me,I real just cannot think of what

                        I,m trying to say more mannequin like,than real life ?


                        • Snowman
                          SMF Supporters
                          • Oct 2014
                          • 2098

                          Originally posted by \
                          I tried painting Pat McGoohan
                          That is soo good I'd swear you'd "photo shopped" his face!

