Hi guys, not been on here for a while, but I'm getting back into my figure painting again (albeit not that great!
) and some armour!
Rather than always painting soldiers of 1:35 or 1:16 scale, i was wondering on other things i have seen being painted on YouTube - Cowboys, Pirates, Sci-Fi type figures. Where do you source these from in the UK? Not sure if i want the WarHammer, Marvel type stuff just something different to assemble and paint other than soldiers (my wife says dont you paint anything else apart from German's! LOL)
I have seen some stuff on e-Bay like busts etc (which i like the idea of) but do you have to create your own colour scheme - is there normally a painting guide?
And then paint wise, I've built up some nice base soldier colours (Vallejo mainly and some Tamiya), but if I'm looking at other figure types, i guess I'm going to have to get some other colour variants (red, blues etc) where do i go for these, is it best to get them in a pack?
And ive only built from plastic kits before, if is see resin or white metal, should i run and hide or is it a good learning experience to just have a go...!
Sorry you can tell I'm a noob with most of this stuff
Cheers, stay healthy!

Rather than always painting soldiers of 1:35 or 1:16 scale, i was wondering on other things i have seen being painted on YouTube - Cowboys, Pirates, Sci-Fi type figures. Where do you source these from in the UK? Not sure if i want the WarHammer, Marvel type stuff just something different to assemble and paint other than soldiers (my wife says dont you paint anything else apart from German's! LOL)
I have seen some stuff on e-Bay like busts etc (which i like the idea of) but do you have to create your own colour scheme - is there normally a painting guide?
And then paint wise, I've built up some nice base soldier colours (Vallejo mainly and some Tamiya), but if I'm looking at other figure types, i guess I'm going to have to get some other colour variants (red, blues etc) where do i go for these, is it best to get them in a pack?
And ive only built from plastic kits before, if is see resin or white metal, should i run and hide or is it a good learning experience to just have a go...!
Sorry you can tell I'm a noob with most of this stuff
Cheers, stay healthy!