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Cowboys and Indians

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  • Gern
    SMF Supporters
    • May 2009
    • 9204


    Cowboys and Indians

    They were all the rage when I was a kid, and TV schedules (both of them!) were full of Western shows (remember Bonanza, High Chapparal, Gunsmoke, Cheyenne, Hopalong Cassidy, Lone Ranger, Rifleman, Maverick, Have gun will travel, Lawman, Laramie, Bronco, The Virginian, Wagon Train, Rawhide - beats me how they ever found time to show anything else!) so what's happened?

    I'm looking for some 28mm figures - must be plastic - and can I find any? Not really. I've found a few 'heroic' (big heads and hands) and fantasy types - even cowboy orcs - around, but I can't find any what you might call 'normal' types.

    I've bought a few 'opposition' sets recently - Russians vs. Germans, Japanese vs. Marines, ACW Union vs. Confederates, and Zulus vs. The Brits of course - so it would be nice to have some of the old rivals. I'm only looking for maybe a dozen of each as I've no interest in building huge armies.

    Can anyone help please?
  • Tim Marlow
    SMF Supporters
    • Apr 2018
    • 18880
    • Tim
    • Somerset UK

    Try knuckleduster miniatures Dave....probably the best western miniatures in the market right now. Not plastic though, not sure if anyone makes them. Try plastic soldier review here...

    for the most comprehensive listing and info.....


    • Tim Marlow
      SMF Supporters
      • Apr 2018
      • 18880
      • Tim
      • Somerset UK

      Sorry, posted the US home site. Knuckleduster figures can be bought here

      in the UK,


      • Gern
        SMF Supporters
        • May 2009
        • 9204

        Thanks for that Tim. Alas, I bought some of those figures a couple of years ago and I wasn't at all impressed. I felt they would need a huge amount of work with files and sanders to get the surfaces presentable as there was a lot of rough texture and mould lines - they certainly didn't seem to be value for money.

        That's the main reason I want hard plastic figures. Even if they do need some work, it's generally easier to do.

        I've looked at that PS review site. Don't they only cover 1/72 figures? While there are a couple of sets I might be interested in if I can't find anything in 28mm, most seem to be either poor quality or moulded in that polythene type plastic which can't be sanded or glued.

        While I'm here ....

        Having got a few sets of opposition troops - I'm thinking of maybe putting together a few skirmish type dios - I've had a look at some Napoleonic figures. Why is it that all the sets of infantry only have figures in marching type poses? Great for set piece battles and for those who want armies of figures. Does anyone do infantry sets - I'm not fussed about the nationality as long as I can get opposition groups - with mixed poses I could use in a small fight scene?


        • Tim Marlow
          SMF Supporters
          • Apr 2018
          • 18880
          • Tim
          • Somerset UK

          Hi Dave
          I’ll lookup other 28 mm gunfighter ranges, there are a few others about, but I think they’ll all be metal at 28mm.
          As to firing line/ skirmish ranges in Napoleonics, the Perry Plastic French Line Dragoon’s are worth a look, they have a Dismounted skirmish Element as well as the guys on neddies, really interesting I think. Their Elite company French infantry are also in skirmish poses. They also do ACW figures in skirmish poses. For Napoleonic adversaries try the Victrix ranges, lots of options there. Remember as well you can usually pick up single sprues of these from various eBay sellers so you don’t have to buy the whole box.


          • Gern
            SMF Supporters
            • May 2009
            • 9204

            I've seen some of the guys on gee gees from Perry and they look pretty good. I think the single sprues have only 3 - 4 figures which would be ideal for my purposes - a small skirmish with 6 - 8 figures wouldn't be too taxing so I'm looking out for them. I'm off to have a look at what Victrix do thanks.


            • Tim Marlow
              SMF Supporters
              • Apr 2018
              • 18880
              • Tim
              • Somerset UK

              For 28mm western figures, try these....

              From Texas Gunslingers to Vigilantes, our Old West range has it all: US Infantry, Plains Indians, Apache, Mexicans and even the French Foreign Legion.

              They are metal, but they clean up like plastics once you’re used to them....


              • Gern
                SMF Supporters
                • May 2009
                • 9204

                There's certainly plenty of characters and poses there to choose from and meet my requirements. I'm particularly interested in the Black Scorpion figures as it seems they're resin - not metal. They're a bit pricey but that's not a problem as I only want a handful.

                Thanks Tim.

                Still a bit of a mystery why no-one makes them in plastic given the popularity of the subject - or maybe westerns don't cut it.

                These are some of the better Knuckleduster figures I bought

                Click image for larger version

Name:	IMGP3843.JPG
Views:	2
Size:	2.3 KB
ID:	1125574

                Some really great poses but even after an hour's work there's lots of rough spots left. The other problem I have is the bases. I know wargamers need bases for their figures, but I don't. Any suggestions how to remove them from metal figures? Plastic ones are easy - a few snips with my cutters and a little careful trimming with a knife and they're done. Some of the feet on these are quite poorly moulded and small, I think using tools strong enough to do the job are likely to damage the figures.


                • boatman
                  SMF Supporters
                  • Nov 2018
                  • 14447
                  • christopher
                  • NORFOLK UK

                  HI Dave what happened to the Pegasus rocket as I was enjoyin that ?


                  • Gern
                    SMF Supporters
                    • May 2009
                    • 9204

                    Originally posted by boatman
                    HI Dave what happened to the Pegasus rocket as I was enjoyin that ?
                    Just put some more pics up in the thread Chris.


                    • boatman
                      SMF Supporters
                      • Nov 2018
                      • 14447
                      • christopher
                      • NORFOLK UK

                      Originally posted by Gern
                      Just put some more pics up in the thread Chris.
                      ok dave i'll have a look


                      • stillp
                        SMF Supporters
                        • Nov 2016
                        • 8085
                        • Pete
                        • Rugby

                        Originally posted by Gern

                        Still a bit of a mystery why no-one makes them in plastic given the popularity of the subject - or maybe westerns don't cut it.
                        Not PC enough Dave - ethnic cleansing and all that.


                        • Gern
                          SMF Supporters
                          • May 2009
                          • 9204

                          Originally posted by stillp
                          Not PC enough Dave - ethnic cleansing and all that.
                          That's not the only PC I'm struggling with at the moment Pete! See my Pegasus thread!


                          • Gary MacKenzie
                            SMF Supporter
                            • Apr 2018
                            • 1057
                            • Gary
                            • Forres , Moray , Scotland



                            • Tim Marlow
                              SMF Supporters
                              • Apr 2018
                              • 18880
                              • Tim
                              • Somerset UK

                              Hi Dave
                              There are several ways to remove bases from these be honest though, what works for plastics should work with these. One way is to clip them down with wire Cutters and remove the rest with a file or knife. Another way is to put a piece of eighty grit wet and dry on a board and rub the figure (base down obviously) in a figure of eight motion until the base is worn away.....You can then drill the leg and add a support wire. Of course, you could always just build up the groundwork over the base once they are painted.....

