As someone new to the hobby I am anxious to find suppliers of figures for me to paint or assemble/paint something similar to ICM Worlds Guards. Preferably in the UK. so the delivery charges are reasonable. I have enjoyed seeing the work of members whose skills sometimes astonish me. I can also say I have learned a great deal just by reading the posts. I came to the hobby due to disability making travelling for landscape photography a no-no. I needed something I could learn to do sitting on my bottom. Any help/advice will be very much appreciated..
New member seeks advice
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welcome to the forum. I've been dabbling in figures this year, and found it a steep learning curve, but can be very satisfying.
Tamiya & Dragon produce 1/16 WWII & Modern military figures. ICM produce the Guards series ( some of them reboxed by Revell ), and also some SWAT figures, a Viking, a Roman Centurion & 2 figure from Game of Thrones - all of these are pretty good, being modern tooling, they fit together well.
MiniArt produce a range of 1/16 figures - these are older models, and the fit leaves a great deal to be desired, but with ( a lot of ) work can be turned into nice models ( my record with MiniArt is 1 out of 4 finished! ), so not recommended as a starter.
If you want to stick with the larger scales, then resin is the main alternative, busts and full figures, although these are not cheap, one thing to be aware of is cheap knock off copies of reputable makers ( ebay, wish, aliexpress are full of these cheapo versions ) - just not acceptable.
Smaller scales, 1/24, 1/32 & 54mm are pretty common, it really depends on your ability to handle & paint smaller parts.
I'm sure that throws up a lot more questions, please feel free to ask away.................
Thanks everyone for the information and the welcome. Lots of information there to get me started.Comment