Thank you for the reply Paul. You've made some excellent points here. I suppose we could all find a new more complex figure to challenge us than the last, and yeah, there is no such thing as total perfect satisfaction with the end result, it's why we do what we do.
As for not watching tutorials I guess I've just not really given them a chance, I agree that YouTube has got a plethora of useful tips about virtually everything. Maybe I could start my own channel and pass on some of my own tips.....
Thanks for the compliments and feedback. Likewise I have only got the highest praise for your own excellent work (and everyone else's on here).
As for not watching tutorials I guess I've just not really given them a chance, I agree that YouTube has got a plethora of useful tips about virtually everything. Maybe I could start my own channel and pass on some of my own tips.....
Thanks for the compliments and feedback. Likewise I have only got the highest praise for your own excellent work (and everyone else's on here).