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Tamiya 1/35 tank crew at rest figure painting- honest opinions ?

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    Tamiya 1/35 tank crew at rest figure painting- honest opinions ?

    After a post about members being to nice about builds etc , I would like an honest opinion on a few figures that I`ve done that I might use for a small diorama , at the moment I think reached my modelling ability with figures so any constructive advice is more than appriciated ,

    Sorry about the poor photo`s , I think my camera is on its way out its stuck on TV mode what ever that is ? and will only work with a flash , the bloke far right has just been started and the thing in the middle is not a climbing monkey but a german shepard chilling out





  • Guest

    As you say it is difficult to see from these pictures so it's not easy to be completely objective and constructive but a couple of things that do seem to catch my eye are the following:

    1) I don't know if it is the camera but the figures look as if they have a slight sheen to them. Figures should really have a completely matt finish rather than any sort of sheen to look realistic but it's difficult to see just what the finish is like.

    2) One thing that I think I can identify a bit more clearly is the fact that there is a bit too much of a contrast between the base colour and the highlight colour. Most figure painters will use the base colour and then blend one, two or three levels of highlight shading to get to the lightest shade. There seems to be too much of a difference in colour from the base colour to the highlight, which seems to be a bit too light.

    As you say difficult to judge with the pictures but I hope that you will find the comments useful anyway.


    • Ian M
      • Dec 2008
      • 18259
      • Ian
      • Falster, Denmark

      Richard got there first, so I can only agree with his comments. A bit shiny and the highlights, though brilliantly painted are a bit to light for my liking. In fact I would like to say that they are very well painted and the detail is very good. You have done really well. Its just those two minor problems.

      A cure for this could well be just to give them an all over wash with a dark wash to bring them down a bit then give them a coat of matt varnish to seal the wash and take the shine off. What did you use to paint them, paint wise I mean.

      Just one other thing. I think the German shepard is to brown and should have more of a black back. (I think)

      Ian M
      Group builds



      • Guest

        Richy any chance of a few close up photo's as I can't really tell at the moment


        • Guest

          Originally posted by \
          the thing in the middle is not a climbing monkey but a german shepard chilling outRichy

          I'm not qualified to pass comment as I've never tried figure painting but the above comment did make me chuckle.

          Tv mode is Shutter priority

          You can set your shutter speed and the camera sets the aperture, don't know about the flash but if you can't disable it from the menu then the chances are theres a fault with the camera.

          It depends on the make of camera as to the specifics of settings but that's the basics

          Typical settings

          P =auto

          Av =Aperture priority

          Tv = Shutter priority

          M = Manual, (user sets both shutter and aperture)


          • Guest

            Cheers guys your opinions were much appriciated , been busy so have a bit of catching up to do on the forum , I definitely need a new camera something I will look into in the new year , flash on camera does highlight the highlights more if that makes sense also the shine on the figures but when happy with them they will get a vallejo matt coat , not sure about skin tone at this stage look a touch orange to me so an area to work on I think , Ian - I agree the black areas on the dog are too light something I will change also ,

            Once again thanks lads , nice to get a few opinions, in my eyes they are my best figures to date but its a good way to set your standards even higher by getting constructive advice be it good or bad

            Right then will have a nose about whats been going on with the forum then on to finding a half decent camera

            Happy Christmas



            • Guest

              Always happy to help Richy but don't loose sight of the fact they are still very effectively painted and any comments are only guidance for future projects.


              • Guest

                Its difficult painting any figure, i have found that you need to be some degree of an artist, working out shade, light and contrast. Im working on my 1/16th scale crew, anything smaller would be a tall task to get the effect just right i would imagine. I persume that its one of them arts that improves with experience. Always good to have some sort of picture to copy if possible and try to keep the tones down to a matt or flat finish. Only my opinion as a true begginer lol.



                • Ian M
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 18259
                  • Ian
                  • Falster, Denmark

                  One thing that might help any one doing figures:

                  Take a smooth cloth, knick a table cloth when SWMBO is out shopping. Colour don't matter but helps with some thing with a single tone.

                  With out trying to arrange it, give it a rustle and toss it over the back of a chair. If you have a spot light on a stand even better, Move the light around and study the effect of light and shadow. I Used to paint a long time ago and often used this sort of set up as a back ground.

                  I know its not directly related to model painting but it gives a very clear image of folds and ripples in the cloth and how the shadow/highlight thing works!!

                  Ian M
                  Group builds



                  • Guest

                    Nice idea Ian, ill give it a try when Ting Ting goes out next.



                    • Robert1968
                      • Mar 2015
                      • 3596

                      Originally posted by \
                      Always happy to help Richy but don't loose sight of the fact they are still very effectively painted and any comments are only guidance for future projects.
                      Hi there I'm doing 4/6 german infantry SS panzer with a Hetzer tank 4 are tank riders with half jacket half trousers ( majority of figs come from icm Model figures. I'm looking at 3 tone jackets camo

                      I have the late camo for the tank in vallego paint would this be a good starting point ( finding it hard to get the jacket base colour so what's the best way forward to paint them. Got a few ref pics to guide me so if you can help fire away


                      • Guest

                        Robert, if you're wanting to do pea-coat camo, use a felt tip pen for the dots. Just remember to spray a coat of matt over them because brushing will smear the dots!


                        • aaron
                          • Oct 2011
                          • 2019


