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Figure Painting

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    iv always used Tamiya XF-15 (Flat flesh)

    it never looks quite right when you apply it, but when it drys it brings out all the detail and turns out quite a nice colour


    • Guest

      will it work on a 1/35 scale?


      • Guest

        yes although you dont really have to do as many shades to highlight, lowlight...etc

        1/48 really only 3 shades are needed, lowlight, the actual colour and highlight


        • Guest

          hi guys new to the forums here. NO 6 very informative thread mate. some very useful tips there. technical for painting flesh i in the past have used white and then mix in a bit of red and a bit of flesh until i get the right consistency that im after it all depends on what look your going for and what kind of skin tone your after too. if your going for a darker colour try some brown shades mixed in . its not an exact science just experiment.


          • Guest

            further to my last on flesh colours go to the following website for some great articles on large scale figure painting

   - homepage


            • Guest

              Hi No.6

              Great thread on figure painting, I found it very useful thanks mate :emo1:


              • Guest

                actually, I'm painting German Tank figures and they apparently wore black coats, pants, etc..

                I'm wondering, what sorts of colours can I use to highlight the model? I don't think I need to worry about shadows because its black


                • Guest

                  Does anyone know what can I use to paint rubber parts (head, arms). I've tried acrylics (Vallejo) and enamel (Humbrol) but those do not stick to the figures. I've properly washed them and even sanded the surfaces, but still I don't get any paint to attach.

                  By the way the figures are part of the Doctor Who 'Welcome Aboard' kit from Airfix


                  • Guest

                    helo there.. i'm new to this forum.. i oso newbie in model kits.. i would like ur help to teach me about painting a figure.. i know tat u alrdy hv show us in ur tread.. but can u show in video? since i not so understand english.. thanks you for help...


                    • Guest

                      NICE WORK AND THANKYOU!!!! I have been looking for a detailed and simple tutorial, especially for the shadows!!!!!

                      Your deserve a trophy


