sculpting blogs
I dont dabble in 1.35th.Im usually into 1.12th and 1.10th busts.Converting 1.35th plastic figures and 120mm ones by Dragon is a great way to start sculpting.
Hi Guys.
Im touched by the interest in sculpting blogs.Theres a but,Ive only seriously been sculpting for 3 years this August.I feel im not a Master to provide tomes of wisdom and advice.Ive only sculpted busts and never sculpted arms or hands on anything yet.Sculptors like Carl Reid and Maurice Corry have done this for 30 years.Id feel like a charlatan trying to sound like a true expert.
Hope you all understand.I can give advice on Materials and appraisals of them ive used.Putties are a personal choice for example and I might like say Magic Sculp and another might hate it..
The thing i advice on anyone contemplating it is watch youtube videos by Greg Girault and Ebroin song and get good anatomical references to start making basic manequins.
Stay safe and Happy New year to all.Heres to a better 2021.
Richard, you still know more than someone who hasn't sculpted ever, which is the point, isn't it? Nobody will blame you for having your own opinion.
Your approach to sculpting is just as valid and interesting as anyone else's.
If you are willing to take the time to do a sculpting blog it then you should - you don't HAVE to call it a masterclass-how about an exploration?
Seriously, there is good will here, so just feel free to run with itComment
Richard, besides its just us here to give you the customary ribbing. The curiosity is how an individual approaches his build and a chance to learn either from scratch or a simple tip that may never have been thought of being shared. Who knows, many may be comfortable you showing what you can do as oppose to a hot shots intimidating skills. I like the fact that even the hot shots have the same issues that we face in stages of sculpting or building. They tackle it differently and that's what I'm looking for.
Please run the blogs Richard. You are a talented sculptor and the detailing you put onto your figures is exceptional. It will be an education to us all.Comment
Richard, besides its just us here to give you the customary ribbing. The curiosity is how an individual approaches his build and a chance to learn either from scratch or a simple tip that may never have been thought of being shared. Who knows, many may be comfortable you showing what you can do as oppose to a hot shots intimidating skills. I like the fact that even the hot shots have the same issues that we face in stages of sculpting or building. They tackle it differently and that's what I'm looking for.
All the best from RichComment
Richard, you still know more than someone who hasn't sculpted ever, which is the point, isn't it? Nobody will blame you for having your own opinion.
Your approach to sculpting is just as valid and interesting as anyone else's.
If you are willing to take the time to do a sculpting blog it then you should - you don't HAVE to call it a masterclass-how about an exploration?
Seriously, there is good will here, so just feel free to run with it
Glad you got some nice feedback on Planet figure on the Fireman.
Stay safe.