This was our last dog Merlin, Sadly passed away now and circumstances don't allow for another.
Do you have a dog?
Fully agree with this, and it increases even more for cats (you can’t take them on holiday with you) and even more for chickens (cats can go in a cattery, but there is no such thing as a chickenery). I certainly wouldn’t be without our cat, but if you are not used to, and able to tolerate, the restraints animals can put in your life, you might not find ownership as rewarding as it can be.
Steve😂 1😞 1Comment
Ok thanks for the input so far guys!
spanner570 yes I first was against the idea of getting a dog for a long time, mostly because of all the restrictions. But in an attempt to make a pro/con list to convince the misses I slowly started embracing the idea, it will get us a lot more outside and bring some life inside the house, as we don't have any kids etc.
I've been reading and watching a lot of training videos since the start of the new year, so I hope we can make a good start this summer...
Cheers ?😀 1Comment
😀 1🤢 1Comment
I really do know what you mean Tim, I'm glad you realised it was only meant in jest; i've been reduced to tears at the condition of some rescue animals I've seen. My two lovely Cavalier King Charles' Spaniels will never have to worry about that scenario!
Steve👍 2Comment