Last few days I've really noticed that most of the doors in the house are starting to squeak. Its a relatively new house (about seven years old) and I just assume they've used cheap hinges and they have dried out.
What would the groups hive mind recommend as the best lube?
Eg: I have plenty of stuff in the garage, 3 in 1 oil, WD40, grease, various sprays GT85, LT1, even some of that dry powder lock lube stuff.
Have also used a dab of soap in the past.
What would be your preferred method?
What would the groups hive mind recommend as the best lube?
Eg: I have plenty of stuff in the garage, 3 in 1 oil, WD40, grease, various sprays GT85, LT1, even some of that dry powder lock lube stuff.
Have also used a dab of soap in the past.
What would be your preferred method?