Hello from Bavaria!
Steve :money-face:Comment
My first pay in 1983 was 1000 Italian Lire (50 cents, maybe 52 :rolling: in today's €) per day. Not a big step towards richness and fame too but a giant leap towards an enviable suit size:tongue-out3:
Almost ten years after that, I had a bet with someone in school, “for a tenner.” I don’t recall what the bet was about, except that I claimed something and he claimed it was otherwise, then bet me that he was right. He wasn’t. He then took his wallet from his pocket, opened it, dug around, and gave me a 10 lira coin he had from a recent holiday in Italy … I wasn’t the only one there who felt he was unfairly weaseling out of having to pay ten guilders (in modern money, no inflation correction: about €4.50). That coin was worth about one guilder-cent at the time, as I recall.Comment
In the early '70s you payed 100 lire for a small ice cream; 10 lire was the value of one chewing gum.Comment
My mate reckons he recalls the Singapore rate of exchange (in the late 60's - 70's) was one over-priced drink per Whiskey Dolly! I thought it was less than that ...
Luckily for you, the pound had gone decimal by then(And, in any case, the value of the pound didn’t change, only that of the penny, and the shilling was essentially renamed “five-pence piece”.)