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New to Scale Models

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  • Madstacks83
    SMF Supporters
    • Aug 2024
    • 13


    New to Scale Models

    Hello! Just though I would introduce myself - I am 41 years old and have not done a scale model in about thirty years! I fancy giving it a go!

    This came about from being inspired from the Royal International Air Tattoo, I have been for the last 4 years and my interest in modern military planes is growing. I have fond memorys from when I was a young lad going to air shows with my dad and grandad - Middle wallop and Farnborough I believe back in the late 80s! the memories are very very hazy as I was about 8 years old (I DO remember the Vulcan Bomber Howling what seemed to be right above our heads though!) But it created an interest that was dormant until my late 30s.

    Luckily My wife also enjoys Aircraft to and Is happy for us to get some display models! I first looked at diecast - But have seen the results from a master scale modeler are impossible to beat. But I can see myself enjoying spending hours doing my best to get the best results I can for something I am passionate about so here I am.

    I have pretty much Zero experience modeling, I have painted 2 Warhammer (something else I remember as a kid) figures but since I don't play the game its not that appealing.

    I have bought a basic modeling kit, some tamiya extra thin liquid cement and have a few brushes anyway. I also have some Tamiya masking tape. I do expect to get an airbrush but again new to that.

    Can anyone suggest me some other useful bit I may need, putty ect?

    Unsure what to build first But I am quite liking the Idea of the SR-71.
  • Steven000
    SMF Supporters
    • Aug 2018
    • 2820
    • Steven
    • Belgium

    Hi and welcome :thumb2:
    I'm sure someone else will give you a big list of useful things, I would recommend to buy a 'sprue cutter', doesn't have to be an expensive one, but I found that a game changer when I restarted. Also some fine sandpaper and a sharp blade etc...


    • PaulTRose
      SMF Supporters
      • Jun 2013
      • 6441
      • Paul
      • Tattooine


      Useful bits and bobs? are about to go down a deep rabbit hole :smiling6:

      Best advice is start small....dont just jump in and expect to turn out first class models.....its a skill that needs to be dont get disheartened when the first few are crap......we have all been there....some of us still are :rolling:
      Per Ardua

      We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no ones been


      • Jim R
        SMF Supporters
        • Apr 2018
        • 15636
        • Jim
        • Shropshire

        A warm welcome to a great forum. Ask any questions you have. I guarantee you will only get polite, helpful answers. We are a very nice bunch.
        As a beginner to the hobby my suggestion would be to cut your teeth on a couple of the newer Airfix aeroplane kits in 1/72 scale. They are cheap, fit well and don't have too many parts. They also build up onto excellent models.


        • boatman
          SMF Supporters
          • Nov 2018
          • 14447
          • christopher
          • NORFOLK UK

          HI THERE Paul well i find a set of small needle files are handy when modeling an glue i use C/A super glue on my tomcat an that does the job ok an paints an brushes 'clamps good set of twezzers 'mini drills set an tiny modelers drill like a small dremel as i use one of these an different speeds very handy


          • PaulTRose
            SMF Supporters
            • Jun 2013
            • 6441
            • Paul
            • Tattooine

            Tooth picks.....millionand one uses
            Quality brushes
            Proper fine grade sanding blocks or pads
            I use super glue for most things
            ordinary pegs.....loads of uses
            Per Ardua

            We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no ones been


            • Madstacks83
              SMF Supporters
              • Aug 2024
              • 13

              Cheers for the warm welcome guys!

              I will keep my expectations realistic , I fully appreciate the skill and time it takes to make these models to a high standard. Something to work towards though

              I just checked and I have a set of sprue cutters and a mold line removal tool from when i tried some Warhammer painting, I also have a good selection of citadel acrylic paints but probably not many useful colours for aircraft.

              Thanks for the suggestions so far - Clamps, tweezers, needle files, hobby drill, need to get those.

              Ahh yes was thinking what scale, 1:72 or 1:48 - I think first model will be a 1:72.

              We live in a one bed flat so am aware that I am limited by space, but have the ok for a couple of decent size shelves to display on.

              Will look into airfix kits, I have to admit the revell kits are floating my boat more simply on designs, are they any good? I would like to try any of these - Eurofighter, F-15, F-16, F-35,Harrier,Tornado,SR-71

              Revel seem to do more modern jets and airfix more historical stuff??


              • Jim R
                SMF Supporters
                • Apr 2018
                • 15636
                • Jim
                • Shropshire

                All makes produce good and bad kits. Revell are no different. If there's a particular kit you fancy look online for reviews. There is a site called Scalemates - very useful for finding out the age and history of a particular kit.
                Above all have fun and take things one step at a time.


                • Mark1
                  • Apr 2021
                  • 4156

                  Welcome to the forum,


                  • minitnkr
                    Charter Rabble member
                    • Apr 2018
                    • 7504
                    • Paul
                    • Dayton, OH USA

                    Welcome, welcome welcome, razor saw--worth its' weight in gold.


                    • Tworrs
                      SMF Supporters
                      • Jan 2022
                      • 1978
                      • Garry
                      • New Zealand

                      Hi Paul and welcome.
                      Strength isn't about what you can do, rather it's about overcoming what you thought you couldn't do.


                      • Scratchbuilder
                        • Jul 2022
                        • 2689

                        Hello Paul and welcome from an ex mil spotter.
                        Items to buy that will not break your bank.
                        Hobby side cutters - from John at the Scale Model Shop
                        Wet n Dry paper with grades from 240 to 180 you can get a pack of assorted from Homebase or B&Q
                        A cutting mat, depending on where you are building your models, they start at A4 size.
                        For clamps, a set of clothes pegs will suffice to get you going.
                        Masking tape - normal masking tape from the DIY store is just as good, keep the Tamiya for the expensive jobs.
                        Models. This is where you are going to dread or like the hobby, you will start off in say 1/72 and will find it a pain or just for you. Do not get disheartened it may not be the scale you are happy in, try another scale. Subject. The same applies, at the moment it is jets because that is what you are familiar with, but after your first one or two you may feel a change.
                        Airbrush. Yes we all clamour to be the Da Vinci of the airbrush world and for some they get there, others sadly buy all the all singing, all dancing equipment and fail. Start cheap and work up to it. There are always second hand 'brushes and compressors going for sale from modellers who are changing up.
                        You tube, great for tutorials, reviews and builds, but bear in mind these modellers have been at it for years, but use them as a guide to how to do things, not as what you should do, you will find your own style as you gain experience.
                        Criticism. Show us what you have done, take photos and ask opinions, on here you will get solutions and you will get tips on how to do things, how to improve and no one will look down their nose at you, we all know we were once at the start of our hobby.
                        First subjects. Try the later Airfix kits, they are really foolproof and a good starter for breaking you into the hobby.
                        AND ABOVE ALL ENJOY WHAT YOU ARE DOING.


                        • adt70hk
                          SMF Supporters
                          • Sep 2019
                          • 10400


                          In case anyone's not said it already.... Patience and realistic expectations.....

                          We all had to start somewhere, so don't expect to build something to match with the best you see on the web.... Rome was not built in a day!!

                          Oh and enjoy it. This hobby is meant to be fun!!!




                          • David Lovell
                            SMF Supporters
                            • Apr 2018
                            • 2186

                            As most have said Rome wasn't built in a day just enjoy what your doing ,the biggest get out clause in this hobby ? Comparing what you've done with other peoples work ,look and learn be inspired by what you see in magazines and books let it help you ,all of us still make mistakes but its a never ending learning curve my only mantra is to try and make the next one better than the last(though even now that doesn't always happen) seems a odd conclusion but I try to even enjoy failures part of the hobby I suppose . Dave


                            • Mickc1440
                              SMF Supporters
                              • Apr 2018
                              • 4775

                              Welcome to the forum Paul, good luck with your first build its a steep but enjoyable learning curve

