Scale Model Shop


The 2015 Group builds


Sub-Forums Topics Posts Last Post
Jan-April 2015 GB: Under a tenner
Any Kit that has a normal retail price of Under GBP 10 (or equivalent)
Topics: 30 Posts: 553
30 553
by ojays
Jan-April 2015 GB: Anything with snow!
Eastern Front, Band of Brothers, Alpine ski resort, if it got lost of snow it welcome
Topics: 11 Posts: 258
11 258
by Guest
March-June 2015 GB: Four Engine Bombers...
Any four engine aircraft in military service. Any nation, any service, any function.
Topics: 7 Posts: 321
7 321
by Guest
March-June 2015 GB: Braille scale Armour!
So magnifiers at the ready. Lets see the small stuff!
Topics: 9 Posts: 117
9 117
by monica
May - Aug 2015 GB: Lands on an Aircraft carrier
Like it says, If it lands or takes off from a Carrier you can build it in this GB. Fixed wing, rotors, both. You choose.
Topics: 8 Posts: 148
8 148
May - Aug 2015 GB: Do the locomotion...
Anything that runs one rails. Locos or rolling stock. Just not rail guns See Artillery build!
Topics: 3 Posts: 39
3 39
July - October 2015 GB: Soviet Aircraft.
Any Aircraft built in the Soviet union. (or what was).
Topics: 0 Posts: 0
0 0
July - October 2015 GB: Prototypes
ANY prototype that got off the drawing board, but never made it to series production.
Topics: 4 Posts: 59
4 59
Sept-Dec 2015 GB: A classic from the 70's
A classic from the 70's classic kit not subject. That is a kit produced in the 70's
Topics: 8 Posts: 180
8 180
Sept-Dec 2015 GB: Motorcycles.
Motorcycles. NO MOTO GP this time, Road bike, dirt bike, army bike.
Topics: 4 Posts: 52
4 52