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Chat away..About the SUPER SIGs

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  • Ian M
    • Dec 2008
    • 18259
    • Ian
    • Falster, Denmark


    Chat away..About the SUPER SIGs

    Feel free to voice your ideas and ask general questions regarding the SUPER SIG's.

    Have fun, that is why we are here.

    Ian M
    Group builds

  • Guest

    Impeccable distribution Ian.

    Let's do it


    • Richi72
      • Sep 2013
      • 1100

      Okay well I got a question if I want to do a building of any kind but in the right era, do I vote in the group build threat for buildings?

      I wannt to create somthing from Market Garden.

      Sorry but i never done this before therefore the newbie status.

      Cheers Richi


      • Ian M
        • Dec 2008
        • 18259
        • Ian
        • Falster, Denmark

        Originally posted by \
        Okay well I got a question if I want to do a building of any kind but in the right era, do I vote in the group build threat for buildings?I wannt to create somthing from Market Garden.

        Sorry but i never done this before therefore the newbie status.

        Cheers Richi
        It really comes down to a couple of things. From what I understand the Building Group build is for a building that is intact: without damage and not a ruin. Also the building is pretty much stand alone. The main piece on a suitable base. You also only have 3 months to build it in.

        The Super SIG for Market Garden is for any subject related to the title. Be it a tank, a squad of paras at a bridgehead fighting off the 9th and 10th SS panzer divisions. On the other hand it could just be a single figure. In front off a typical Dutch town house. In short any part or all of the battle. You get a whole year to do it in and the house can be any thing from a neat and tidy one or totally blown to bits shell.

        Get the idea?
        Group builds



        • Richi72
          • Sep 2013
          • 1100

          Ok thanks Ian now I got it.


          • eddiesolo
            SMF Supporters
            • Jul 2013
            • 11193

            You also only have 3 months to build it in.
            3 MONTHS!



            • Gern
              SMF Supporters
              • May 2009
              • 9204

              Let's see if I've got this right:

              The super sigs run for twelve months starting on Jan1.

              We have a choice between:


              Market Garden

              D day


              For the boat build, I gather you're looking for something other than a standard plastic kit - with or without extras. eg 1/350 Bismark or 1/35 PT boat.

              Apart from that, we're free to choose what we build, the scale and degree of complexity.

              Am I OK with that?



              • Ian M
                • Dec 2008
                • 18259
                • Ian
                • Falster, Denmark

                Pretty much on the money there Gern. You don't have to stick with one- you can do them all if you want!!!

                Only a bit off with the boat. I would actually rather see no Plastic kits. I'm aware that this might put a lot off the idea, but this is an attempt to get some others to have a go at building a boat from a wood or glass fibre "kit" or plan.

                I think there are plenty of options for plastic kits in all the others. There is even a GB for sail boats if I remember correct.

                Ian M
                Group builds


