The GB section has since its conception grown into a tree with to many branches. It is time to trim it a bit. Where did I put the Chain saw...
The proposal:
This is what it looks like right now:

In as short a way as I can think of, is this. ALL the GB blogs in the old GB section are to be removed. and the section deleted.
What is now The New Group builds (2017 on) be renamed Group Builds and will have a rolling lifespan. The hard part is how long. Five years? Ten?
A rolling lifespan? I hear you ask... Well as an example if we say five years you would have the current year and four years back, if we said ten years, you would have the current year and nine years back. As a new year starts another gets chopped off the front...
Why? First and foremost to try keep it a bit fresh.
Secondly DATA. GB's are normally photo heavy and photos take a lot of room on hard drives. The more data, the more hard drives, the longer it takes and costs.
Lastly, hand on heart, how often have you gone back and looked at the old GB's?
I would like to hear what you all think. Hopefully in a calm and civil fashion please.
The proposal:
This is what it looks like right now:
In as short a way as I can think of, is this. ALL the GB blogs in the old GB section are to be removed. and the section deleted.
What is now The New Group builds (2017 on) be renamed Group Builds and will have a rolling lifespan. The hard part is how long. Five years? Ten?
A rolling lifespan? I hear you ask... Well as an example if we say five years you would have the current year and four years back, if we said ten years, you would have the current year and nine years back. As a new year starts another gets chopped off the front...
Why? First and foremost to try keep it a bit fresh.
Secondly DATA. GB's are normally photo heavy and photos take a lot of room on hard drives. The more data, the more hard drives, the longer it takes and costs.
Lastly, hand on heart, how often have you gone back and looked at the old GB's?
I would like to hear what you all think. Hopefully in a calm and civil fashion please.