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Centurion3RTR's Hobby Boss T-34/85

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  • Centurion3RTR
    • Jan 2009
    • 2093

    Thanks lads, guess who brought another one? Yep, me lol, well they do say "learn by your mistakes".

    Have fun, John


    • Guest

      An absolutely superb finish and a classic example of brush painting at it's best. I'm not the biggest of fans of airbrushes, I know they have thier uses and exhaust smoke staining simply can't be cteated any other way but I think it is easy to fall into the trap of using them too much. This just reminds us how good a brush can be if used properly.


      • Guest

        Absolutely brilliant and a perfect example of just what you can achieve with a brush. I'm never the strongest advocate of airbrushes but I do realise they have thier place, and there is simply not other way of creating exhaust smoke stains, but I do think a lot of modellers use them too much and forget at just how effective a brushed finish can be. This is a superb reminder of just what you can achieve with a well used brush.


        • Centurion3RTR
          • Jan 2009
          • 2093

          Thanks Richard for the kind words, don't get me wrong i do use a airbrush but only on 1/35 scale and bigger. Only thing is, i mainly build 1/48 scale, it's just nice to go back to grass roots modeling. And on the plus side, a brush is alot easier to clean lol.

          Have fun, John

