Ahh righto, I've seen silvering mentioned but didn't know what it was - cheers
Revell M113 A1
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Originally posted by \Thanks for the kind words,even though it looks nothing like how I wanted it I really enjoyed it.If you want a laugh,here is the interior.A truly shocking display of how not to do it
@ Gern thanks for the tip with decals,never knew about that one
Cheers, Mick
I'm with the others – that's a very creditable first armor model, I'd been modelling for years before I even dared to weather a kit, and believe me it looked much, much worse than yours.
Originally posted by \Hate to say it but I tried dry brushing on the lower hull on the front - it looked that bad that I had to cover it in mudComment
yours is looking superb right colour the same as i painted mine ive put some pics on here hope you dont mind.
i use foil on the seat to get the worn look
and silvering to combat that once the base colour is done lay down a few layers of a gloss coat that will stop that and also protect your base colour for weathering
hope this helps buddyComment
Thanks again for the words of encouragement.
@ geegad - I bought the kit after seeing your fantastic build.That really is something for me to aim for,I must have looked at it more than a dozen times.
Great attention to detail with superb weathering,the exact opposite of what I achieved
I enjoyed building it even if it didn't turn out anything like I envisaged but hopefully I'm learning and the next one will turn out a little better
Thanks again, MickComment
and thats what this is all about enjoying your self and you have done a superb job on yours dont knock your self and as you said its your first build at that rate i will be learning off you too soon..just enjoy and learn i still am doing both look forward to your next build mick
All this needs is a good drybrush to bring out and push back some details. I use a blackwash on the whole vehicle and then drybrush color over it. Then I go over it another couple times with different colors to bring out whatever effects Im going for.Comment
I myself was in the doldrums for about 20 years, only started serious building again about 3 or 4 years ago. Gave a bit of a tutorial on washing and dry brushing in my "Duster AAASPG" thread in
"completed armored veh" forum, I made a mention of it then my friend Amos asked for more details so I went on a rant. Hope you find it helpful, something about a "Help" section coming up we'll see , maybe I'll post another on that subject in near future in it's proper place. Build looks good IMO for being so long out of itJust stay at it eventually all will come together for you I'm sure.....Cheers Jim
That's a cracking build Mick ........... Don't be putting yourself down. This hobby is one damn great learning curve for all of us ....... All any of us can do is strive to get the next build better ........ I'll look forward to your next one Matey.