How about a couple of Zis 5s. Think I have some in the stash........good call J R.
1/87 Scale Bussing Nag 900 Isolierwagen and Trailer Completed.
Those early Zis. Looks a lot like early 30s Autocar trucks. And if you want to do a rail thing I like that second pic but I also like the first better with that trailer.That second one with the rail car is really neat and it would be very different from the main steam of train stuff posted here just a thought RickComment
Well spotted Lee.
The ZIS-5 (Russian: ЗиС-5) was a 4x2 Soviet truck produced by Moscow ZIS factory from October 1933 on. It was an almost identical copy of the American Autocar Dispatch Model SA truck.
In 1931 Moscow Avtomobilnoe Moskovskoe Obshchestvo (AMO, Russian Автомобильное Московское Общество (АМО) — Moscow Automotive Enterprise) truck plant was re-equipped and expanded with the help of the American A.J. Brandt Co., and began to produce a new truck with designation of AMO-2. AMO-2 was intended as a replacement of the previous AMO-F15, the first Soviet truck ever built (it was a copy of the Italian Fiat F-15).
Soon AMO-2 was improved, and new models AMO-3 and AMO-4 appeared. In 1933 AMO was rebuilt again and renamed into Factory No. 2 Zavod Imeni Stalina (or Plant of Stalin's Name, abbreviated in ZIS or ZiS) and in Summer first prototypes of the new ZIS-5 appeared.
Sorry Rick jumping in on your thread.Attached FilesComment
An awesome build Rick. Worthy of your collection with out a doubt. Good luck with the next projectComment
Thank you Mr. Jones for the fine compliment. I believe JR has me convinced I need to do a "Rooskie" truck, so I have pulled out a couple from the stash and have started researching build photos on my favorite WW2 History site. Thanks again for stopping by :smiling:
Rick H.Comment
If it's a ruskie truck then four round tables and a plank of wood should do it. Oh, and we must not forget that green stuff they put on their vehicles either LOLComment
Yes you have been around him long enough now to pick up on the Commanders habits of Attitudes. Sorry for getting off topic and high jacking your thread RickComment