Totally my pleasure Steve, only part repaying you for your help:thumb2:
Interior colour of a StuG
hi Chris
Its in user created group builds 2020
Getting there, been a rough week, no energy or interest in anything.Comment
Interesting Pics. Bob, Based on what you have described of pics. you have seen and the ones posted one could draw a conclusion that any combination of oxide red and or ivory could be feasible. If I remember my Stug. history, there were several manufacturers that produced sub assemblies and other components to the main contractor. Typically these would have been painted and inspected and approved by that plants WAa proof inspectors prior to shipment, lots of room for latitude given wartime shortages or sporadic supply of paint products from those vendors supplying the manufacturing facilities.:thinking:
Rick H.Comment
Interesting Pics. Bob, Based on what you have described of pics. you have seen and the ones posted one could draw a conclusion that any combination of oxide red and or ivory could be feasible. If I remember my Stug. history, there were several manufacturers that produced sub assemblies and other components to the main contractor. Typically these would have been painted and inspected and approved by that plants WAa proof inspectors prior to shipment, lots of room for latitude given wartime shortages or sporadic supply of paint products from those vendors supplying the manufacturing facilities.:thinking:
Rick H.
I am trying to find out if makers of the transmissions and steering sets stopped painting them in the grey/green colour and left it to Miag and Alkett to paint almost the lot in red oxide, the Fort Benning StuG transmision is in red oxide but yes a very open to debate area.Comment
Actually Bob, because it I so subjective you could end up doing a lot of hair pulling trying to figure this stuff out. :cold-sweat:. Unless you are building a vehicle with a particular Fahrgestal number with lots of documentary photos inside and out, it will be a tough call....enter Artistic License!:rolling:
Cheers, and happy hunting, Rick H.Comment