Feeling a little shell-shocked after my Master Box figure, I went to the stash for inspiration & I found 3 models that raised interest

Just so happens, all British ( not intentionally ). The Matilda is the 2009 version from Tamiya
I don't think any of these have been extensively blogged on the forum. Looking in the boxes, I can't decide! The Bishop will be the most complex build, the Matilda the normal Tamiya excellent engineering, and the Valentine somewhere in between.
Anyone have any burning preference?
Just so happens, all British ( not intentionally ). The Matilda is the 2009 version from Tamiya
I don't think any of these have been extensively blogged on the forum. Looking in the boxes, I can't decide! The Bishop will be the most complex build, the Matilda the normal Tamiya excellent engineering, and the Valentine somewhere in between.
Anyone have any burning preference?