One more for Bob
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No, she says it has one, in the second part of the video where the engine drawings get shown. Then she goes on to explain how to start one without the electric starter, by cranking the flywheel to get it to move and then coupling it to the engine. Which is apparently trickier than it sounds like.Comment
No, she says it has one, in the second part of the video where the engine drawings get shown. Then she goes on to explain how to start one without the electric starter, by cranking the flywheel to get it to move and then coupling it to the engine. Which is apparently trickier than it sounds like.
One of three things always happened.
A- The operator breaks his wrist when the diesel engine backfires. causing the crank handle to spin backwards.
B- The mixer starts first time.
C- The mixer starts, but the handle sticks to the flywheel. and flies around at a hell of a rate, causing those close by to take cover until the starting handle flies off. This happened at a new commercial garage where I was making the concrete shuttering. It flew off and buried itself into the side of a brand new, sign written Luton van. Our quick thinking foreman ran to it and removed the handle from the aluminium side panel of the van. As part of the subsequent damage investigation, the insurance man could be seen measuring the damage from the ground and walking around the place trying to find a protrusion that matched his measurements. He never came near the mixer, or more importantly, the handle!
Sorry for the slight diversion from topic.Comment
She’s a computer gamer who got interested in AFVs by playing World of Tanks, to the best of my (scarce) knowledge.