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Tamiya separate track link set & a paint colour question.

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  • CarolsHusband
    • Feb 2021
    • 474


    Tamiya separate track link set & a paint colour question.

    Evening folks.

    Has anyone used Tamiya link track sets ? Thinking about getting these...

    Also, would Bergepanthers have ever been grey or were they introduced too late ?

    Thank you

  • Tim Marlow
    SMF Supporters
    • Apr 2018
    • 18880
    • Tim
    • Somerset UK

    I’ve used those Dan. They cleaned up pretty well and went together as easy as any other single track link set….if I was building another I’d probably use them again. Not sure about the colour question, but I think probably not.


    • Airborne01
      SMF Supporters
      • Mar 2021
      • 3935
      • Steve
      • Essex

      Originally posted by CarolsHusband
      Evening folks.

      Has anyone used Tamiya link track sets ? Thinking about getting these...

      Also, would Bergepanthers have ever been grey or were they introduced too late ?

      Thank you

      I think 'grey' is definitely a non-runner mate - far too early for the beast in question!


      • CarolsHusband
        • Feb 2021
        • 474

        Thank you Gents, your wisdom is appreciated.

        So if grey is no good, how about white with yellow daisies ?

        Funnily enough, I did the FAMO a very non 'dunkel' grey for no other reason than I thought it might look different. Having got my 2022 Tamiya Catalogue from The Scale Model Shop , I was heartened to see that the FAMO & trailer in there was quite light too.


        • Airborne01
          SMF Supporters
          • Mar 2021
          • 3935
          • Steve
          • Essex

          Originally posted by CarolsHusband
          Thank you Gents, your wisdom is appreciated.

          So if grey is no good, how about white with yellow daisies ?

          Funnily enough, I did the FAMO a very non 'dunkel' grey for no other reason than I thought it might look different. Having got my 2022 Tamiya Catalogue from The Scale Model Shop , I was heartened to see that the FAMO & trailer in there was quite light too.
          Orange daisies naturally dahlink! ( I'm just sitting watching daisies in the rain .......!) Come on sweet cheeks, go with the vibe ...!


          • Allen Dewire
            SMF Supporters
            • Apr 2018
            • 4741
            • Allen
            • Bamberg

            It's up to you Dan, The Bergepanther was made by M.A.N. in Nürnberg and tested there too. The basic color was Dunkelgelb as it was made after the change from Dunlelgrau in 1943. It's camo color was field applied with green and/or brown from there. I think you could get away painting it grey if you wanted to and nobody would fault you if you did. It's you model and your call.

            Life's to short to be a sheep...


            • CarolsHusband
              • Feb 2021
              • 474

              Thank you Allen, I'll give the camo a bash I reckon.


              • Allen Dewire
                SMF Supporters
                • Apr 2018
                • 4741
                • Allen
                • Bamberg

                Hi Dan, I forgot to mention your track question. If you are going to get those for a Bergepanther, please don't. The tracks you posted are for the Ausf. D Panther's. The Bergepanther (for the most part) used the later tracks with chevrons. They looked like this,

                Click image for larger version

Name:	IMG_1799.JPG
Views:	1
Size:	4.2 KB
ID:	1172513
                For Discussion Purposes Only

                This is a photo from the M.A.N. factory in 1943. But as I said, It's you model Sir and just have fun.

                Life's to short to be a sheep...


                • Tim Marlow
                  SMF Supporters
                  • Apr 2018
                  • 18880
                  • Tim
                  • Somerset UK

                  Originally posted by Allen Dewire
                  Hi Dan, I forgot to mention your track question. If you are going to get those for a Bergepanther, please don't. The tracks you posted are for the Ausf. D Panther's. The Bergepanther (for the most part) used the later tracks with chevrons. They looked like this,

                  For Discussion Purposes Only

                  This is a photo from the M.A.N. factory in 1943. But as I said, It's you model Sir and just have fun.

                  Looks like Tamiya do a separate track link set for those as well. Type G tracks aren’t they Allen?


                  • Allen Dewire
                    SMF Supporters
                    • Apr 2018
                    • 4741
                    • Allen
                    • Bamberg

                    Morn Tim,

                    The 2 types were normally called early and late tracks, with the late's having a longer wear life than the earlies w/o the chevrons. The late tracks with chevrons were used on the Ausf. A and G series Panthers. Even some of the first Ausf. D's got them after repairs/refit at the factory's or in field workshops. HTH's as I don't want to make Dan crazy as I'm kind of a Panther nerd...........
                    Life's to short to be a sheep...


                    • CarolsHusband
                      • Feb 2021
                      • 474

                      Originally posted by Allen Dewire
                      Hi Dan, I forgot to mention your track question. If you are going to get those for a Bergepanther, please don't. The tracks you posted are for the Ausf. D Panther's. The Bergepanther (for the most part) used the later tracks with chevrons. They looked like this,

                      For Discussion Purposes Only

                      This is a photo from the M.A.N. factory in 1943. But as I said, It's you model Sir and just have fun.

                      Afternoon Allen. The longer I live, the less I know....

                      There was some reasoning to my choice. It's an ICM "early" Bergepanther (without the winch) but more importantly they seemed to match the set that were with the kit.

                      My defence in this matter, M'Lord, would be that without a sound knowledge of the facts I utilised deduction. If I have failed in my duty it's probably ICM's fault. However, given the state of affairs in their homeland I don't think I'll bother them about it just now....

                      Anyway, s'too late now because I ordered them last night !!

                      Thank you though, I still fancy building the TAKOM version at some point so I might know what I'm doing by then !



                      • Allen Dewire
                        SMF Supporters
                        • Apr 2018
                        • 4741
                        • Allen
                        • Bamberg

                        Sorry Dan, I didn't know you had the ICM kit. You did the right thing though. M.A.N. did take 12 Ausf. D Panther chassis' without turrets and made recovery vehicles out of them. They didn't have winches, had a round wood cover for the turret opening and had the crane like the ICM kit. They would have the early tracks, so you would be good to go there. The Bergepanther with winch was assembled by Henschel from an M.A.N. design and was based on the Ausf. A chassis. They were refined at the M.A.N. factory in Nürnberg and then put into service....

                        Just some more useless info for you buddy. You gonna post the build on here???....

                        Life's to short to be a sheep...


                        • CarolsHusband
                          • Feb 2021
                          • 474

                          Originally posted by Allen Dewire
                          You gonna post the build on here???....
                          You better believe it ! Thanks for all the info Allen.

                          To be honest, the drawn-out FAMO build and G4 disaster had left me wondering if I should give the modelling a bit of a break until the Autumn but everyone was so kind about my completed FAMO post the other day that I feel excited about getting the Bergepanther started.

                          Modelling's great.

