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Tamiya Half Track, track building.

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  • Roadie
    • Mar 2022
    • 63


    Tamiya Half Track, track building.

    Schaefer Zugkraftwagen 18t (Sd.Kfz.9) FAMO purchased.
    I seem to pick the awkward builds.
    What’s the secret in building the track, have fooled it and all I find is “way build tracks”. 47 links per side and I can’t get 2 too fit.
    So it must be simple or secret on how to do this.
    HELP, before the men in white coats arrive.Click image for larger version

Name:	652F8CAF-729E-4C88-852F-2F0EC44C9961.jpeg
Views:	2
Size:	4.8 KB
ID:	1176908
  • David Lovell
    SMF Supporters
    • Apr 2018
    • 2186

    Best to follow instructions looks like click main links together without cement rubber block goes on top without seeing in flesh dont know wether it clicks on or needs to be carefully cemented to retain articulation? Dave


    • Allen Dewire
      SMF Supporters
      • Apr 2018
      • 4741
      • Allen
      • Bamberg

      Hi Steve,

      I just looked at my kit of this and it appears you have to put a drop of cement on the round part of the link and press the pad into place as shown in the destructions. Care has to be taken so you don't get glue on the track shoe pins and the links remain moveable. HTHs a bit.....

      Life's to short to be a sheep...


      • Roadie
        • Mar 2022
        • 63

        Originally posted by Allen Dewire
        Hi Steve,

        I just looked at my kit of this and it appears you have to put a drop of cement on the round part of the link and press the pad into place as shown in the destructions. Care has to be taken so you don't get glue on the track shoe pins and the links remain moveable. HTHs a bit.....

        Spot on thanks. Just a spot of cement on that spot, let it dry and there just enough give to click next link in.
        Thanks for you help guys.


        • Allen Dewire
          SMF Supporters
          • Apr 2018
          • 4741
          • Allen
          • Bamberg

          Steve, normally, you need to put the links together and then glue the pads on in a run of 5 or more at a time. Trying to click one link into the next, you take the risk of breaking the link pins off.....If the clicking does work, without breaking the pins off, that's even better......

          Life's to short to be a sheep...


          • Guest

            What the instructions appear to say is to first insert one part C2 into another C2, and only then glue a piece C1 over the top of them so that it traps the pins — without getting glue between the two C2s.

            It’s a little tricky, but you should probably get the hang of it fairly soon. Luckily, if you do accidentally glue a few links together into a rigid bit, German halftracks have long enough “flat” runs that you can just stick those on the bottom or the top where they won’t be obvious. As long as you have enough articulated links to go round the front and rear wheels, you should be good


            • rtfoe
              SMF Supporters
              • Apr 2018
              • 9065

              The instructions look very clear except for the tiny drop of glue needed. The symbols only show paint call outs and illustration only shows where not to apply glue. Other than that looks fairly easy if you use tweezers and blu tac to hold the parts down so they don't move around when assembling and applying the glue. Don't smother it just a tiny drop will do applied with a sharp tipped brush or Tamiyas extra thin cement brush tip.



              • David Lovell
                SMF Supporters
                • Apr 2018
                • 2186

                At the risk of repeating myself :tongue-out3:

