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Wittmans Last Tiger Colour Scheme

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  • Dan9191
    • Jun 2022
    • 32


    Wittmans Last Tiger Colour Scheme

    Morning everyone. Thought id post and get some advice on colour schemes for the 007 Wittmans Last Tiger. Cant really find too much info on it other than modellers showing the build on YouTube. I think the instructions do come with a colour chart but i just want to check they are for that time and dragon is correct on them etc. I’m a newbie when it comes to modelling so I want to get it right. Just assembling some of the last parts together in the next week or so as busy with work. So I know about the primer red oxide and base coating etc but the other steps and order of which you paint the tank im not knowledgable about. Such as all the types of weathering etc. Thank you in advance everyone.
  • boatman
    SMF Supporters
    • Nov 2018
    • 14447
    • christopher

    WELLCOME Dan but cant help on the paints an such sorry


    • Gary MacKenzie
      SMF Supporter
      • Apr 2018
      • 1057
      • Gary
      • Forres , Moray , Scotland

      Cyber-hobby's limited-run kit 'Wittman's last Tiger' depicts Tiger '007' using the latest research data. #Tiger1

      That suggests that no faults have been found with the info used by Dragon ( as only 1 photo exists ???? )


      • Dan9191
        • Jun 2022
        • 32

        No worries boatman.

        Hi Gary I will have a look now thank you.


        • Steve Jones
          • Apr 2018
          • 6615

          If it was my build Dan I would lay down a Tamiya Red Oxide primer coat. Then airbrush the whole vehicle in a Dunkelgelb (Ral 7028) Yellow. Then mask off a thin camo line using some putty. Then airbrush in the resulting camouflage areas in Rotbraun 1 (Ral 8017) Red Brown and alternate Olive Grun (Ral 6003) Green as per the first diagram on your instructions. Once dry remove the putty to reveal a nice Dunkelgelb camouflage line. If you want colour details for the interior then just ask.

          Once you have done all your acrylic work including all the fine detail painting then add the decals. Once done cover the whole model in matt varnish to protect all your hard work before you start the weathering process.

          As for weathering then that's a whole different ball game. There are different stages and ways of doing things to achieve different looks ie wet, dry etc. YT is your friend so look for a video that shows the look you are after and copy that persons weathering techniques. The world of weathering and weathering products is enormous and it will take you several builds to develop a process and products you are happy with.


          • Dan9191
            • Jun 2022
            • 32

            Steve. Wow. Thanks for the reply. So knowledgable I’m glad iv joined this forum. Have you got a site Steve? Ill be sure to check it out. For me I’m an apprentice atm and every bit of reading I can do and stuff to look at and learn will help towards future builds as I said I’m a complete newbie with all this and i appreicate the time taken with the reply. I will follow those steps thanks Steve.


            • Dan9191
              • Jun 2022
              • 32

              Just subscribed to your channel on YouTube Steve


              • Dan9191
                • Jun 2022
                • 32

                steve I forgot to ask. Is those acrylics MIG or AK? Also for painting the equipment and stuff like wood and steel is there any particular brand you favour? Thanks.


                • Steve Jones
                  • Apr 2018
                  • 6615

                  They are all very much alike. Its a matter of trying them out and seeing which works the best for you. I am Vallejo through and through. However many others swear by Tamiya, Mig, etc. If you go down the route of Vallejo then Model Color is designed for brush work and Model Air for the airbrush however you can use both with brush or airbrush if thinned down


                  • Jim R
                    SMF Supporters
                    • Apr 2018
                    • 15636
                    • Jim
                    • Shropshire

                    Hi Dan
                    I can thoroughly recommend Steve's YouTube channel. I have picked up a lot from it. The two things that stand out for me is that Steve layers up weathering effects and that he doesn't fall for the "buy this latest magic potion and you'll have instant success" advertising blurb.


                    • Dan9191
                      • Jun 2022
                      • 32

                      Thanks Steve iv seen that Vallejo do some wickid easy kits with advice on the box such as The Faces and Red Oxide kit etc im swaying towards Vallejo now you mentioned them.

                      Jim I have just followed and watched a few videos.

                      Silly question guys but because Wittmans tiger will be glued together and not removable is there any point in painting and detailing the inside of the tank such as the radiators and inside the turret etc? Whats your opinions on painting inside when you cant really see it? Thanks.


                      • Steve Jones
                        • Apr 2018
                        • 6615

                        It all depends if you intend keeping the hatches open or not. If you decide to close everything up then no need to do the interior. However in your position it would be an ideal opportunity to try out your newly found painting and weathering skills. If it all goes tits up then you can just close up the hatches. Your build your choice my friend

