Hi all. As some of you know, I’m building one of these for the current emergency GP. ostensibly I’m going for an Ice cold in Alex reference…..not exactly, but close enough. Come across an interesting picture that I don’t quite get though….

What’s the deal with the windows here? I get the opening one on the left, though with no doors I can’t see why they’d need extra ventilation…..but why the painted squares restricting the windows? It’s obviously deliberate, and I don’t think they’d get that wrong on set as there would be plenty of advisors and crew around that were probably there, but what does it achieve?
What’s the deal with the windows here? I get the opening one on the left, though with no doors I can’t see why they’d need extra ventilation…..but why the painted squares restricting the windows? It’s obviously deliberate, and I don’t think they’d get that wrong on set as there would be plenty of advisors and crew around that were probably there, but what does it achieve?