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“British Fighting Vehicles - Why You Should Avoid Them”

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    “British Fighting Vehicles - Why You Should Avoid Them”

    Didn’t we have a couple of ex-fitters here?

  • Scratchbuilder
    • Jul 2022
    • 2689

    Originally posted by Jakko
    Didn’t we have a couple of ex-fitters here? :smiling3:

    Oh dear.... There she is with her irritating sarcastic Ozz squeeky voice castigating the British tank designers.
    Get your panties out of a twist little girl, it was in fact the British that invented the tank...
    BUT, it was the Ozz that wanted the Centurion, the 432, but were only allowed the Centurion because the Ozz bosses said the 113 was cheaper - of course it was cheaper, the bullets just went strait through the aluminium sides, that is why they sat on top!!!! And as for the American cr4p you so admire I used to see more of their stuff parked up and smoking because they were far too complicated for the rednecks from Looooisiana to comprehend.
    BUT more importantly - what tank or apc designes have Ozz given to the world, the BBQ, and even that was copied from an American design.
    So in future before you start casting dispertions on everyone else - take a long hard look in the mirror and tell us exactly what you have, apart from a whiney voice...


    • JR
      • May 2015
      • 18273

      Just left a message asking her what the Aus have given us .


      • Scratchbuilder
        • Jul 2022
        • 2689

        Originally posted by John Race
        Just left a message asking her what the Aus have given us .
        PM sent.
        Bondi beach, Kylie, Neighbours, Home & Away, 7 foot rats that jump - now that lot would kill of anyone....


        • Gary MacKenzie
          SMF Supporter
          • Apr 2018
          • 1057
          • Gary
          • Forres , Moray , Scotland

          I am more disappointed that people are angry at the messenger than the silly designs that are being pointed out.
          Our present track record with the new APC's shows that the UK still hasn't learned from many of it's mistakes and now has to buy in German Boxers as a stop gap.


          • Tim Marlow
            SMF Supporters
            • Apr 2018
            • 18880
            • Tim
            • Somerset UK

            Originally posted by Scratchbuilder
            PM sent.
            Bondi beach, Kylie, Neighbours, Home & Away, 7 foot rats that jump - now that lot would kill of anyone....
            Don’t forget bloody good troops that we completely threw away at Gallipoli…….


            • Scratchbuilder
              • Jul 2022
              • 2689

              Originally posted by Gary MacKenzie
              I am more disappointed that people are angry at the messenger than the silly designs that are being pointed out.
              Our present track record with the new APC's shows that the UK still hasn't learned from many of it's mistakes and now has to buy in German Boxers as a stop gap.
              Nothing wrong with the 432, it was designed as a battlefield taxi, it was never meant to go head to head with armour. It was a design based on the lessons learned in WW1 and 2 where troops were cut down by machine gun fire because they had to walk up to the enemy.
              Having 'lived' in a 432 for a fair time I would much rather sit inside that than the Boxer who once you shot out the tyres was just a box stuck in a field. And as for 'shooting the messenger' perhaps the 'messenger' should really use the vehicle first in its environment and not just joy ride around a field. Yet again another 'Tubie' that knows everything about nothing.


              • Scratchbuilder
                • Jul 2022
                • 2689

                Originally posted by Tim Marlow
                Don’t forget bloody good troops that we completely threw away at Gallipoli…….
                They were only examples off the top of my head.


                • Tim Marlow
                  SMF Supporters
                  • Apr 2018
                  • 18880
                  • Tim
                  • Somerset UK

                  You did forget ending every sentence as if it’s a question……


                  • Scratchbuilder
                    • Jul 2022
                    • 2689

                    Originally posted by Tim Marlow
                    You did forget ending every sentence as if it’s a question……
                    Poor education and direct speaking, my downfall....


                    • Waspie
                      • Mar 2023
                      • 3488
                      • Doug
                      • Fraggle Rock

                      Originally posted by Gary MacKenzie
                      I am more disappointed that people are angry at the messenger than the silly designs that are being pointed out.
                      Our present track record with the new APC's shows that the UK still hasn't learned from many of it's mistakes and now has to buy in German Boxers as a stop gap.
                      The UK, Army procurement had a thing about the modular approach to light armour.
                      The Landrover had done not just us but armies of the world a massive service over the years so what do we do. Have this awful replacement but it's ok because it can be converted into command, ambulance blah blah blah!!
                      I always remember Brig Rollo's passionate debate when they announced the death of the MBT. He was adamant that it was the worst decision ever.
                      When the Middle East kicked off we bought in Mastiffs and such then spent millions on each one converting them. I know of at least two UK companies and one French company that had tried and tested, (at ATDU Bovington), just waiting for the go ahead from HMG to start building. But no!!! We bought in then spent millions as I said converting them to what we needed!!!
                      Military procurement is a shambles.
                      Moan over!!!


                      • wasdale32
                        SMF Supporters
                        • Apr 2018
                        • 1115
                        • Mark

                        The point that she fails to make is that she is talking about vehicles that have been sold off to private buyers after many years of service. There's no telling how long they were unmaintained. Yes there were some design flaws but all of these vehicles had extended service lives.

                        And didn't the Australians invent the Sentinel.... With the slightly droopy machine gunClick image for larger version

Name:	FB_IMG_1702121236312.jpg
Views:	14
Size:	5.8 KB
ID:	1214232


                        • Scratchbuilder
                          • Jul 2022
                          • 2689

                          Originally posted by wasdale32
                          The point that she fails to make is that she is talking about vehicles that have been sold off to private buyers after many years of service. There's no telling how long they were unmaintained. Yes there were some design flaws but all of these vehicles had extended service lives.

                          And didn't the Australians invent the Sentinel.... With the slightly droopy machine gun[ATTACH=CONFIG]n1214232[/ATTACH]
                          Based on the American Sherman (Tommy Cooker) - and that machine gun says it all.


                          • stillp
                            SMF Supporters
                            • Nov 2016
                            • 8085
                            • Pete
                            • Rugby

                            Originally posted by Tim Marlow
                            Don’t forget bloody good troops that we completely threw away at Gallipoli…….
                            Largely due to their own officers' determination to prove the Anzacs were braver than the British. They had a far higher casualty rate than the British (who included my grandfather).


                            • wasdale32
                              SMF Supporters
                              • Apr 2018
                              • 1115
                              • Mark

                              Originally posted by Scratchbuilder
                              Based on the American Sherman (Tommy Cooker) - and that machine gun says it all.
                              I doubt it was based on the M4 Sherman unless it was designed by someone who had heard of but never seen a Sherman - the hull is completely different design and the drive train is nothing like the Sherman's. The suspension was similar (but not identical) to the M3 (Lee/Grant)

