Russian 'Turtle' Tanks
Dave has it right......
This is scale model making forum. Not a platform for political or governmental comments. No matter where in the world the 'Problem' exists.
So can we please return to the thread's original purpose?Comment
Yes the total ignorance of the forum rules has once more got my attention and way to many posts in this thread where not only going of topic but political and borderline hate.
We build models.
We keep it on topic or the thread gets closed/deleted.Comment
Decades ago, in one of my careers, a consortium of software companies put their best nerds in a lab to sort out their thorniest problems. Mine was language recognition, my friend's was signature capture & a small group was teaching cruise missiles to differentiate between semi rigs and scud carriers. Doubt today's weinies would take long to overcome turtle tanks.Comment
Pattern recognition is very good these days. I bought a new iPad a few weeks ago, and unlike my last one, it does Face ID. It first took pictures of my face as I turned it in various directions, and now, all I do is hold the iPad in front of me and switch it on for it to unlock. But give it to someone else, and it refuses to. Similarly, the Photos app on it has identified the various different cats that appear in more than a few pictures, and identifies them correctly (not by name before I told it that, of course) — it showed me pictures of the faces of different cats it had noticed, and when I tapped on one, gave me only pictures that that cat appears in. No false positives as far as I could see. I knew it could do that with people, but now apparently also with cats, dogs, and other animals.
In other words: I agree, this kind of shell over a tank won’t stop any modern software that’s been told “this type of thing is a target”.Comment