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Rye Field Model (RFM) 1/35 Pz. IV Ausf J kits 5033 (2 in1 ) & 5043 (full interior)

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  • Panzerwrecker
    • Mar 2022
    • 575
    • Los
    • Wales, UK

    What tank to build

    I never intended to model this build on any one specific vehicle, but it was now time to pick a unit, a theatre of war and a paint scheme. The build features incorporated on my build, especially the inclusion of the three return rollers, track return plate, central tow bracket and more importantly the transmission brake hatch handles, push my production timescale to post March 45. If I was going to use the kit’s painting and marking guide that would leave either of the last two 1945 options.

    As I wanted to try out a late war factory camo and tank No 515 was covered in whitewash, Tank No 11 is the one, I will represent. Many of the factory applied late war camos were applied in a hard-edge pattern and this does look to be the case looking at the period images above. Although RFM have depicted their Ardennes offence vehicle in this hard edge scheme they have depicted tank No 11 with much softer demarcation lines on the camo. Using both the kits painting guide and period images I will attempt to fine line the edges in first with the airbrush then block each colour in.
    [HEADING=2]Tank No 11 is from the 11. Panzer Division and was photographed around Bad Kotzing, Bavaria in a pretty worn condition. It is shown on page 75 of Panzer Tracts 4-3 minus all the D-Schurzen and associated brackets. The spare track bar is missing from the bow plate and the idlers looks to be of the casted type. This tank’s Fgst.Nr (chassis No)110222 stencilled on the track plate is reported to have had one of the very highest recorded Fgst.Nr’s in service with the Wehrmacht.[/HEADING]
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	1214718Click image for larger version

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ID:	1214719

    [HEADING=2]Tank No 515 is from the 31 Pz.Rgt. 5 pz. Div. and was photographed in eastern Prussia. Dragon, Border Models and Miniart all have decals for this tank in their late Ausf J kits, with Miniart labelling their kit as a Jan-Feb 45 production.[/HEADING]
    I can't find any period images of this vehicle on the tinterweb as yet, and although I won't be building it, if anybody has one, please feel free to post it up.


    • Panzerwrecker
      • Mar 2022
      • 575
      • Los
      • Wales, UK

      Originally posted by Jakko
      Drahtgeflechtschürzen :smiling3:

      Draht = wire
      Geflecht = woven material (but generally not cloth, AFAIK)
      Schürzen = aprons

      Also, if you don’t know how to type an Umlaut ([ICODE]¨[/ICODE]), as seems to be the case for you :smiling3:, add an [ICODE]e[/ICODE] after the vowel: Schuerzen is an acceptable alternative for Schürzen — but in German only! (This because the Umlaut sign is actually an [ICODE]e[/ICODE] that migrated to above the vowel before it.) Though IMHO it looks awkward, and just typing an Umlaut is much better.

      I thought this could rotate through 360°?
      You might well be correct. I'm sure it did in operation but whether the cover had a fixed position when not in use I'm unsure. I'm just going off the Panzer Tracts line drawings and the few turret top images I've seen.


      • Panzerwrecker
        • Mar 2022
        • 575
        • Los
        • Wales, UK

        Originally posted by Jakko
        Drahtgeflechtschürzen :smiling3:

        Draht = wire
        Geflecht = woven material (but generally not cloth, AFAIK)
        Schürzen = aprons

        Also, if you don’t know how to type an Umlaut ([ICODE]¨[/ICODE]), as seems to be the case for you :smiling3:, add an [ICODE]e[/ICODE] after the vowel: Schuerzen is an acceptable alternative for Schürzen — but in German only! (This because the Umlaut sign is actually an [ICODE]e[/ICODE] that migrated to above the vowel before it.) Though IMHO it looks awkward, and just typing an Umlaut is much better.

        I thought this could rotate through 360°?
        Apologies Jakko :flushed: I have absolutely no idea where the Umlaut symbol can be found on my keyboard. If I can find it I will update all my text.


        • JayCee
          SMF Supporters
          • Aug 2019
          • 1128

          A very full and worthwhile build log. Excellent resource for anyone building these kits.


          • Andy the Sheep
            SMF Supporters
            • Apr 2019
            • 1864
            • Andrea
            • North Eastern Italy

            I'm joining the audience. A Pz IV by Los is always interesting


            • Guest

              I thought the Close defence weapon was rotatable?


              • Guest

                Originally posted by Panzerwrecker
                Originally posted by Panzerwrecker
                Apologies Jakko :flushed: I have absolutely no idea where the Umlaut symbol can be found on my keyboard. If I can find it I will update all my text.
                You can just add a German keyboard and use when necessary - Das ist nicht so schwer!:thumb2:


                • Guest

                  Originally posted by Panzerwrecker
                  What is a J arty spotter paul?
                  Ausführung J (Ausf. J - version J // Arty is UK army slang for artillery)


                  • Panzerwrecker
                    • Mar 2022
                    • 575
                    • Los
                    • Wales, UK

                    Originally posted by Magneto
                    Ausführung J (Ausf. J - version J // Arty is UK army slang for artillery)
                    Got ya.


                    • Panzerwrecker
                      • Mar 2022
                      • 575
                      • Los
                      • Wales, UK

                      Originally posted by Magneto
                      I have the J arty spotter Panzer - I think it might be very worthwhile mentioning that is has a full turret interior?
                      This 5033 Kit doesn't come with a full turret interior. Only kit 5043 provides it. This kit builds up a full breach, gun cradle and shell basket and there are three trays which although not called out, can be fitted to the rear of the turret, but that is it. The turret floor and a few other items fixed to it are on the sprues, but as I mentioned, it is missing the vital brackets that attach it to the turret. I'll be building the full interior kit later in the post.

                      This is all of the turret floor that you can build from this kit. It's a bit daft that you are unable to fully build the rotating floor assembly due to just a a few items and the all important brackets on sprues only provided with their interior kit. It's a strange decission, similar to RFM providing just the engine in their Ausf H early kit. Pointless really without the rest of the engine bay components:rolling:

                      *The two missing brackets would fit to the tabs at the top of both pole type fixings
                      Click image for larger version

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Size:	2.6 KB
ID:	1214743


                      • Guest

                        Originally posted by Panzerwrecker
                        I'm sure it did [rotate] in operation but whether the cover had a fixed position when not in use I'm unsure.
                        I thought I had an extensive article about it in the small number of issues I have of Waffen Revue, but it turns out I don’t. I’m sure I’ve got cross-section drawings of it somewhere, though … let me check some more.

                        Ah, OK, Spielberger to the rescue: page 130 of Der Panzer-Kampfwagen Panther und seine Abarten has a section drawing of the Nahverteidigungswaffe. To be precise, this one that I also found online:


                        However, in the book it includes the original captions for the various parts, which somebody seems to have erased for this one.

                        It most certainly looks like it can rotate in this drawing, and the cover over the barrel is part of the rotating section, though it’s entirely unclear to me how that fits or how it was supposed to be removed. I get the impression that it can only be pushed up, so somebody would have to go outside the tank to take it out?

                        Originally posted by Panzerwrecker
                        I have absolutely no idea where the Umlaut symbol can be found on my keyboard.
                        On Windows, you can select a keyboard that has them or lets you type them and temporarily switch to it, for example German like Paul suggested above. Alternatively, [ICODE]ü[/ICODE] can be typed by keeping the Alt key pressed and then typing 0252 on the numeric keypad (not with the row of numbers along the top). See here for more.

                        On a Mac, just keep the vowel pressed:


                        Then press the number for the accent you want, or click on it with the mouse.

                        This last method also works on iOS and iPadOS, and I assume Android.


                        • Waspie
                          • Mar 2023
                          • 3488
                          • Doug
                          • Fraggle Rock

                          Originally posted by Jakko

                          On a Mac, just keep the vowel pressed:


                          Then press the number for the accent you want, or click on it with the mouse.

                          This last method also works on iOS and iPadOS, and I assume Android.
                          Wow, everyday a school day. That'll be useful.:thumb2:


                          • Guest

                            Originally posted by Panzerwrecker
                            The gun breach and cradle are a comprehensive assembly and no doubt feature due to their interior kit. Although not called out, a few other items from this interior kit can be found on various sprues trees. Unfortunately, the rotating turret floor assembly is missing crucial bracket parts that would have had it attach to the lower turret moulding.
                            Hi Los,
                            sorry if I seem a little (?) antagonistic - sometimes my weird humour gets the better of me. Not wanting to flog a dead horse but I do believe that nearly if not all the components are included in kit to make the full turret interior -

                            Heres the thing;

                            If you compare the sprue letters that contain vital turret parts between both kits they don’t coalesce (thank you spell check)

                            The turret components on the ‘non-interior’ kit are scattered among different sprue - but they are there! Perhaps the plans for a complete interior were pulled on this kit halfway through the manufactures design and instead passed on to the next projected kit - The Ausf. J interior kit


                            • Guest

                              Originally posted by Waspie
                              Wow, everyday a school day. That'll be useful.:thumb2:
                              Which is why I have an iPad!


                              • Guest

                                Originally posted by Panzerwrecker
                                This 5033 Kit doesn't come with a full turret interior. Only kit 5043 provides it. This kit builds up a full breach, gun cradle and shell basket and there are three trays which although not called out, can be fitted to the rear of the turret, but that is it. The turret floor and a few other items fixed to it are on the sprues, but as I mentioned, it is missing the vital brackets that attach it to the turret. I'll be building the full interior kit later in the post.

                                This is all of the turret floor that you can build from this kit. It's a bit daft that you are unable to fully build the rotating floor assembly due to just a a few items and the all important brackets on sprues only provided with their interior kit. It's a strange decission, similar to RFM providing just the engine in their Ausf H early kit. Pointless really without the rest of the engine bay components:rolling:

                                *The two missing brackets would fit to the tabs at the top of both pole type fixings
                                Don’t quote me as I’m not yet invested in this kit but try this (some interior parts are even duplicated);



