What tank to build
I never intended to model this build on any one specific vehicle, but it was now time to pick a unit, a theatre of war and a paint scheme. The build features incorporated on my build, especially the inclusion of the three return rollers, track return plate, central tow bracket and more importantly the transmission brake hatch handles, push my production timescale to post March 45. If I was going to use the kit’s painting and marking guide that would leave either of the last two 1945 options.
As I wanted to try out a late war factory camo and tank No 515 was covered in whitewash, Tank No 11 is the one, I will represent. Many of the factory applied late war camos were applied in a hard-edge pattern and this does look to be the case looking at the period images above. Although RFM have depicted their Ardennes offence vehicle in this hard edge scheme they have depicted tank No 11 with much softer demarcation lines on the camo. Using both the kits painting guide and period images I will attempt to fine line the edges in first with the airbrush then block each colour in.
[HEADING=2]Tank No 11 is from the 11. Panzer Division and was photographed around Bad Kotzing, Bavaria in a pretty worn condition. It is shown on page 75 of Panzer Tracts 4-3 minus all the D-Schurzen and associated brackets. The spare track bar is missing from the bow plate and the idlers looks to be of the casted type. This tank’s Fgst.Nr (chassis No)110222 stencilled on the track plate is reported to have had one of the very highest recorded Fgst.Nr’s in service with the Wehrmacht.[/HEADING]

[HEADING=2]Tank No 515 is from the 31 Pz.Rgt. 5 pz. Div. and was photographed in eastern Prussia. Dragon, Border Models and Miniart all have decals for this tank in their late Ausf J kits, with Miniart labelling their kit as a Jan-Feb 45 production.[/HEADING]
I can't find any period images of this vehicle on the tinterweb as yet, and although I won't be building it, if anybody has one, please feel free to post it up.
I never intended to model this build on any one specific vehicle, but it was now time to pick a unit, a theatre of war and a paint scheme. The build features incorporated on my build, especially the inclusion of the three return rollers, track return plate, central tow bracket and more importantly the transmission brake hatch handles, push my production timescale to post March 45. If I was going to use the kit’s painting and marking guide that would leave either of the last two 1945 options.
As I wanted to try out a late war factory camo and tank No 515 was covered in whitewash, Tank No 11 is the one, I will represent. Many of the factory applied late war camos were applied in a hard-edge pattern and this does look to be the case looking at the period images above. Although RFM have depicted their Ardennes offence vehicle in this hard edge scheme they have depicted tank No 11 with much softer demarcation lines on the camo. Using both the kits painting guide and period images I will attempt to fine line the edges in first with the airbrush then block each colour in.
[HEADING=2]Tank No 11 is from the 11. Panzer Division and was photographed around Bad Kotzing, Bavaria in a pretty worn condition. It is shown on page 75 of Panzer Tracts 4-3 minus all the D-Schurzen and associated brackets. The spare track bar is missing from the bow plate and the idlers looks to be of the casted type. This tank’s Fgst.Nr (chassis No)110222 stencilled on the track plate is reported to have had one of the very highest recorded Fgst.Nr’s in service with the Wehrmacht.[/HEADING]
[HEADING=2]Tank No 515 is from the 31 Pz.Rgt. 5 pz. Div. and was photographed in eastern Prussia. Dragon, Border Models and Miniart all have decals for this tank in their late Ausf J kits, with Miniart labelling their kit as a Jan-Feb 45 production.[/HEADING]
I can't find any period images of this vehicle on the tinterweb as yet, and although I won't be building it, if anybody has one, please feel free to post it up.