Rye Field Model (RFM) 1/35 Pz. IV Ausf J kits 5033 (2 in1 ) & 5043 (full interior)
I will scour over the 5033 kit to see if all the turret parts are scattered around the sprues. I'll post up what I find as it would be a bonus if they are includedComment
I'm going to check all the sprues now as the turret parts might well be included and unlike the interior kit, spread over different sprues. I'll post up my findings ASAPComment
I've just noticed this thread should be in the armour section and not artillery:flushed:. Can a moderator please correct my error?Comment
Another strange one is that there is another RFM kit that has the same situation - not an interior kit per se but had the turret interior as ‘extras’.
The Tiger I initial (the winter cam box art - but I’m sure the other initial is the same set up)Comment
Unfortunately, as soon as I snipped my turret schurzen panels off the sprue gates it was apparent that both the front sections bowed inwards quite badly. I left them overnight under a weight, but they simply sprang back the next day when the weight was removed! I am hoping that a touch more manipulation and the fixing of the brackets to the turret will straighten them out.
Have you tried reasonably hot water? This is a bit of an abstract art - so best practice on a piece of scrapComment
Thanks for the tip, but I havn't due to me attaching all the brackets to them:rolling: I really should have tried before attaching them, and after the weights I put on them overnight didn't solve the issue.
I'll get em straight somehowComment
OK, so I've done much scouring off both the instructions and sprues of both kits (5033 & 5043) and not all the turret interior parts in interior kit 5043 are provided on kit 5033 sprues. Some are though, and I'll admit I did not notice them, as many have different part numbers and are located on different numbered sprues. (thats my excuse anyway:face-with-head-bandage
Heres what I found checking both kits contents
Starting off with the sprue count, both kits share some identical sprues. These are:
Sprue R x 1 is in both kits but contain different parts (sprue R in kit 5033 is much larger and contains many more parts)- A x 1
- B x 1
- C x 2
- D x 2
- E x 1
- F x 1
- G x 1
- H x 1
- J1 x 1
- J4 x 1
- K x 1
- N x 1
- W x1 clear
- YA x 1 PE
- YB x 1 PE
- Tracks and poly caps
Kit 5033 has an extra sprue J2 x 1 which just contains parts for the Artillery Observation vehicle
Kit 5043 contains x 14 additional sprues including:
- L x 1
- M x1
- P x 1
- Q x 1
- S x 1
- T x 1
- U1 x 1
- V x 1
- X x 1
- XA x 1
- Y x 1
- Z x 2
- 'Clear parts' (Replacement hull and turret parts for showing off the interior)
Turret interior parts included on kit 5033 sprues but not called out in the instructions, include:
5043 kit part No & equivalant 5033 kit part No
F27 - F6 or clear part W13
F8 x 2 - Same
S15 - R31
Z27 - R27
S20 - R4
W11 - Same
W9 - Same
X27 - F5
X28 - F4
F18 - Same
F33 - Same
X2 - F24
X48 - R14
F37 - Same
(for placement see instruction sheet pics below)
There are 31 turret interior parts contained on sprue X x 1 in interior kit 5043 that are not available on any sprues in kit 5033.
Although you get a turret floor (part F33) and a few other items which I assembled and posted above, you would still need to scratchbuild three significant parts to connect it to the lower turret moulding. These parts are marked Z32 x 2 and X1. That still leaves twelve other vital parts missing from the rotating turret floor assembly.
Turret interor assembly pics from interior kit 5043
Please correct me if I've mistaken any info.Comment
OK, so I've done much scouring off both the instructions and sprues of both kits (5033 & 5043) and not all the turret interior parts are provided on kit 5033 sprues. Some are, and many have different part numbers. (details below)
Starting off with the sprue count, both kits share some identical sprues. These are:
Sprue R x 1 is in both kits but contain different parts (sprue R in kit 5033 is much larger and ttcontains many more parts)- A x 1
- B x 1
- C x 2
- D x 2
- E x 1
- F x 1
- G x 1
- H x 1
- J1 x 1
- J4 x 1
- K x 1
- N x 1
- W x1
- YA x 1 PE
- YB x 1 PE
- Tracks and poly caps
Kit 5033 has an extra sprue J2 x 1 which just contains parts for the Artillery Observation vehicle
Kit 5043 contains x 13 additional sprues including:
- L x 1
- M x1
- P x 1
- Q x 1
- S x 1
- T x 1
- U1 x 1
- V x 1
- X x 1
- XA x 1
- Y x 1
- Z x 2
To add turret parts included on kit 5033 sprues but not called out in the instructions include: (for placement see instruction sheet pics below)
5043 part No Equivalant 5033 part No
F27 F6 or clear part W13
F8 x 2 Same
S15 R31
Z27 R27
S20 R4
W11 Same
W9 Same
X27 F5
X28 F4
F18 Same
F33 Same
X2 F24
X48 R14
F37 Same
There are 31 turret interior parts contained on sprue X x 1 in kit 5043 that are not available on any other sprues in kit 5033
However , almost all of the rotating turret floor can be made but it requires two vital brackets (parts Z32 in kit 5043) to attach it to the lower turret moulding. These would need to be scratch built to utilise the turret floor parts available. Two othe small parts on the floor require scratch building along with the addition of gas masks, but thats it.
Please correct me if I've mistaken any info.
Can you look at that missing ‘turret support-esque’ piece I kit 33? Vis;
The circled part on sprue V1 is not on any sprues in kit 5033Comment
I will now add any worthwhile turret interior parts that kit 5033 has available and might attempt to scratch build the three crucial missing brackets that connect the rotating turret floor (parts Z32 and X1 in kit 5043)Comment
Yes it is! Lol
And here it is on the sprue map;
If it really isn’t in your kit (do you have ‘V’ on your map?). I’ll wait before reaching a conclusion[ATTACH]497642[/ATTACH]Comment