Takom 1/35 SADF G6 Rhino
Well, I have been tinkering with the turret and almighty 44 calibre 155mm main gun.
Removed to top storage rail that I had initially fitted, removed the bush bar mounting detail around smoke launchers.
Fitter rear access door and decking, just missing a deck chair...
Mounted rear flood light and tread plates and trial fitted the rear storage/electronics module.
The main gun mount is proving to be a pickle and may require scratch building to simplify to look similar to the prototype.
The storage boxes were not there...
Anyway, some more pondering to do.
Till next timeComment
Was this in Namibia or Angola, or is it a South Rhodesian vehicle? As they had similar ones in service in the 1970s. Telefoonhokkie makes it sound like it’s from Amsterdam, though👍 1Comment
Yeah, Dutch is the root language of Afrikaans. Though, today some say that Flemmish is closer. Apparently that vehicle featured on the then South West African and Angolan border. Necessity is mother of invention. They had similar beasties in the then Rhodesia that featured water filled tyres and a circular roll cage to counter the plague of landmines. These all predated what we commonly refer to as the modern MRAP, that are follow on's from the SADF Mamba that was made under licence in the USA. The Mamba which is the descendent of the Buffel/Caspir will be a future build, which will be based on a simplified RG-31 kit.Comment
¹ Well, actually, they’d be more likely to think it’s the sport
² Me being from Zeeland, I consider Holland a faraway land up north where strange people live👍 1Comment
Listening to the Dutch speak, it's a lot softer than Afrikaans, especially with the throat clearing, hard "g". Down in the Cape, where I'm originally from, you get the "Malmesbury brei" where they roll the "r" in the back of their throat.
Back to the modelling, it's the Mamba that I will look to recreate. Unfortunately there is currently no 1/35 kit available for the Buffel, Caspir and all the Ratel variants. Baxmodels used to do resin kits, but he is now focused on 3D printed 1/72 kits.
I pray that the likes of Trumpeter and Takom do engage with the rest of the SADF military vehicles as they will sell like hot cakes.Comment
I’d probably buy a plastic Buffel kit¹ right away, the strange look of the vehicle has always appealed to me. So does the G6, TBH, but not quite enough to buy the kit
¹ Of the South African one, that is — in the Dutch army, “Buffel” is the Leopard 2 ARV, of which there is a plastic kit but it’s not an appealing enough vehicle for me to want to build anytime soon.👍 1Comment
My research has paid off and I have imagery of the original headlights fitted to the G6 and contrary to my initial assumption they are protected with an armoured housing.
They look like old school Hella fog lamps stacked on top of each other.
Whilst watching this short video I realised that I had misinterpreted the LH turret copula. This as well as the lights will require some surgery.
Till next time!Comment
Just caught up this - what an interesting subject and some nice progress!Arnold Judas Rimmer BSc SSc
''Happiness is a Triple Fried Egg Sandwich with Chilli Sauce and Chutney''👍 1Comment
Well the wire grab handles look much better and more robust. I had to use a harder wire for the long grab handle above the door as the copper was too soft.
The next tricky task is to remodel the headlights, thankfully I have unearthed some really good photos to base my work on.
Till the next update.Comment