I'm going to attempt to model this unit including Group Fuhrer, Werkstatt, Werkstattgruppe fur Nach. Gerat, Bergestaffel 1, Waffenmeisterei, & Bergestaffel 2, elements' vehicles in 1/87 scale from various makers. The period will be 1944, so some substitutions will have been made to the TO&E. Not all are soft skins as there will be two Bergespanthers & a BergespzrIII. Because a lot of the models are in various states of completion I'll only blog the more complex builds. BTW, Minime Rick donated several of the hated resin to test my tolerance for pain. As I am modeling the unit I'll try to keep everything under this thread unless directed otherwise. No dio planned as yet due to model RR taking all the man cave space.
Panzerwerkstattzug (42)
Once again the dreaded RESIN monster has reared its ugly head!!! This is why I dislike, intensely (HATE) resin kits.....all I can say is I'm relieved to say it is your problem and not mine. There is no reason for any resin kit manufacturer to leave 3 tons of excess material attached to the most delicate part of the kit...........but that's what they do. A test to your skill level? I think not! It's B.S.........another Whiskey bartender!!Comment
Not to worry Dzohn/Rick, I just put away the US stuff and cleared off the paint locker. Also, I think there is a missing sheet of instructions. There is no mention of the load bed or where it might attach. There is no mention of adhesive or where it might be applied. I'll figure it out, but some location pins/holes/tabs/slots would have been helpful. Luckily I have some ref. pics in my morgue and some dark chocolate covered cherries to help.Comment
Quick question: is the title of this thread supposed to be “Panzerwerkstattzug (42)”? If so, it’s probably not too late to change itComment