In a few days I will be "on half pay"... well not really half as the pay reduction is far lower than 50%, but, anyway, three of my colleagues and me are leaving permanently our activity waiting for our pensions (please, do not ask for details, it is difficult to explain it in my native language, I think it could be almost impossible in a foreign one :cold-sweat
Anyway, as a gift to our former colleagues I proposed, and they accepted, to build a scale reproduction of the historic monument standing in the middle of the main courtyard of our working place.
The making required a photo survey of the monument, the transformation of the pictures into a file that could be fed to a 3D printer, all done by a local specialized 3D printing firm. Moreover, some details had to be cast in resin to maintain an adequate level of accuracy. I just had to use sandpaper and files, a lot of good old "elbow oil" (literal translation of an Italian way of describing an intense manual working activity), assemble and paint it, add some details (mainly the glasses on the standing figure) and cement the model to its Plexiglas base.
It was not a difficult job but for the constant fear of a catastrophic mistake, considering the cost of the whole enterprise and the fact that my 3 colleagues had put their faith and money in the enterprise. If not enough, we are all married and extra costs could have lead to very difficult explanations at home :anguished:.
Here are some pics. Hope you will enjoy.

Anyway, as a gift to our former colleagues I proposed, and they accepted, to build a scale reproduction of the historic monument standing in the middle of the main courtyard of our working place.
The making required a photo survey of the monument, the transformation of the pictures into a file that could be fed to a 3D printer, all done by a local specialized 3D printing firm. Moreover, some details had to be cast in resin to maintain an adequate level of accuracy. I just had to use sandpaper and files, a lot of good old "elbow oil" (literal translation of an Italian way of describing an intense manual working activity), assemble and paint it, add some details (mainly the glasses on the standing figure) and cement the model to its Plexiglas base.
It was not a difficult job but for the constant fear of a catastrophic mistake, considering the cost of the whole enterprise and the fact that my 3 colleagues had put their faith and money in the enterprise. If not enough, we are all married and extra costs could have lead to very difficult explanations at home :anguished:.
Here are some pics. Hope you will enjoy.