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Quickie: DM 53 APFSDS projectile in 1:12 scale

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    Quickie: DM 53 APFSDS projectile in 1:12 scale

    On another forum, a group build that ran until today had the theme of “movement”: build a military subject so that it gives the impression of motion. I wanted to join but had no real idea what to do with that in a way that wouldn’t take ages, but eventually got the idea for a modern tank gun projectile while it’s in the air — hoe much more movement could you want?

    After finding some photos and drawings, I decided on 1:12 scale because that meant I could build it around a length of 2 mm rod:


    The nose cone is from a 1:35 scale tank gun round, the wire is copper and the fins are 0.25 mm plastic card. The whole thing is fitted to a length of 0.4 mm spring steel wire as a stand.

    But this isn’t movement, so I took a Games Workshop “biker” base and glued plastic card over the top:


    Followed by semi-random pieces of plastic strip:


    Once the glue had dried, I cut and filed the overhanging parts to conform to the base shape and painted everything:


    The projectile is silver with Tamiya Smoke over it, then matt black for the nose and tail. The base is an earth brown with some sand-coloured areas (deliberately not covering well), then a layer of Army Painter Soft Tone for shadows and a quick drybrush with sand; that done I painted two bits of strip green, added a wash of Army Painter Green Tone and a yellow-green drybrush, and finished
  • scottie3158
    SMF Supporters
    • Apr 2018
    • 14180
    • Paul
    • Holbeach

    Looks good but if you could mimic the sabbot leaving the round that would really make to look like it was moving.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	An-Armour-Piercing-Fin-Stabilized-Discarding-Sabot-APFSDS-projectile.png
Views:	11
Size:	5.7 KB
ID:	1203137



    • Jim R
      SMF Supporters
      • Apr 2018
      • 15595
      • Jim
      • Shropshire

      Very clever Jakko :thumb2:


      • Guest

        Originally posted by scottie3158
        Looks good but if you could mimic the sabbot leaving the round that would really make to look like it was moving.
        That was my first idea, yes. But I don’t see how I could make three sabot pieces without a lot of work — and that would turn this from a quick-and-dirty, “cool idea, let’s do this” type of model into a very involved one. Well, 3D printing would do the trick, but then I might as well have used that for the projectile too.

