On another forum, a group build that ran until today had the theme of “movement”: build a military subject so that it gives the impression of motion. I wanted to join but had no real idea what to do with that in a way that wouldn’t take ages, but eventually got the idea for a modern tank gun projectile while it’s in the air — hoe much more movement could you want? 
After finding some photos and drawings, I decided on 1:12 scale because that meant I could build it around a length of 2 mm rod:
The nose cone is from a 1:35 scale tank gun round, the wire is copper and the fins are 0.25 mm plastic card. The whole thing is fitted to a length of 0.4 mm spring steel wire as a stand.
But this isn’t movement, so I took a Games Workshop “biker” base and glued plastic card over the top:
Followed by semi-random pieces of plastic strip:
Once the glue had dried, I cut and filed the overhanging parts to conform to the base shape and painted everything:
The projectile is silver with Tamiya Smoke over it, then matt black for the nose and tail. The base is an earth brown with some sand-coloured areas (deliberately not covering well), then a layer of Army Painter Soft Tone for shadows and a quick drybrush with sand; that done I painted two bits of strip green, added a wash of Army Painter Green Tone and a yellow-green drybrush, and finished

After finding some photos and drawings, I decided on 1:12 scale because that meant I could build it around a length of 2 mm rod:
The nose cone is from a 1:35 scale tank gun round, the wire is copper and the fins are 0.25 mm plastic card. The whole thing is fitted to a length of 0.4 mm spring steel wire as a stand.
But this isn’t movement, so I took a Games Workshop “biker” base and glued plastic card over the top:
Followed by semi-random pieces of plastic strip:
Once the glue had dried, I cut and filed the overhanging parts to conform to the base shape and painted everything:
The projectile is silver with Tamiya Smoke over it, then matt black for the nose and tail. The base is an earth brown with some sand-coloured areas (deliberately not covering well), then a layer of Army Painter Soft Tone for shadows and a quick drybrush with sand; that done I painted two bits of strip green, added a wash of Army Painter Green Tone and a yellow-green drybrush, and finished
