This was my first attempt at any weathering, and It wasn't long ago
First attempt!
Very good work. The cupola in particular is excellent. If this is your first, your stuff is going to be spectacular when you have a couple more under your belt.Comment
That is a great result and especially given it's a first attempt. If I can offer some advice use a soft flat brush slightly dampened almost dry with oil turps and brush back towards the bolt heads to remove the tide line this will leave just the shadow at the joint HTH.Comment
Low & behold my youngest son, 42, who I thought computer bound for ever (he is a film editor) has, he married late, begun to renovate their house. amazed completly. Can this be happening. Strengthen floors decor shelves. Whoops there we are Mark. Time yet
That is a great result and especially given it's a first attempt. If I can offer some advice use a soft flat brush slightly dampened almost dry with oil turps and brush back towards the bolt heads to remove the tide line this will leave just the shadow at the joint HTH.Comment