The thread by Steven (Dulux) about creating explosions and the like, set me off (see wot I rote there!)
I needed a break from scribing yet more bricks for my houses thingy, so this morning I sat down and had a go at modelling a Hurricane hitting the sea.
I've tried to model the aircraft breaking up on impact, just before it vanishes in spray.
I used toilet roll, cushion stuffing and a bit of silicone.
Bearing in mind it's my first attempt at such things, any thoughts? As long as they are physically possible and don't hurt, I'll take note.....:fearful:

I needed a break from scribing yet more bricks for my houses thingy, so this morning I sat down and had a go at modelling a Hurricane hitting the sea.
I've tried to model the aircraft breaking up on impact, just before it vanishes in spray.
I used toilet roll, cushion stuffing and a bit of silicone.
Bearing in mind it's my first attempt at such things, any thoughts? As long as they are physically possible and don't hurt, I'll take note.....:fearful: