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Bobs battles with Photo Etch!

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  • BattleshipBob
    SMF Supporters
    • Apr 2018
    • 6775
    • Bob
    • Cardiff

    And the next battle lol, B turret

    Almost finished, added railings and finally managed to bend those very, very small nubs on the ladder which must be bent 90°to the ladder to represent the fixing to the turret side. Tried using a pe bending tool, but had to use a tweezer to hold the ladder and the handle end of another to push the nub over. Not perfect but getting there. Destroyed two first mind you lol

    Started also applying ca with a thin metal rod in a swann Morton handle, found much better than the toothpick method, well in my opinion


    Did not know that Tamiya do a ca accelerator, you put it on one part and the ca on the other and just join. The bottle lid has a brush as well. Only problem no bugger stocks it, so coming from Taiwan via eBay!

    Hope this is boring the pants off you folks, but despite rumours, still about

    Attached Files


    • Mickc1440
      SMF Supporters
      • Apr 2018
      • 4776

      This is fantastic work Bob, I just wouldn't have the patience


      • boatman
        SMF Supporters
        • Nov 2018
        • 14423
        • christopher
        • NORFOLK UK

        Originally posted by BattleshipBob
        And the next battle lol, B turret

        Almost finished, added railings and finally managed to bend those very, very small nubs on the ladder which must be bent 90°to the ladder to represent the fixing to the turret side. Tried using a pe bending tool, but had to use a tweezer to hold the ladder and the handle end of another to push the nub over. Not perfect but getting there. Destroyed two first mind you lol

        Started also applying ca with a thin metal rod in a swann Morton handle, found much better than the toothpick method, well in my opinion


        Did not know that Tamiya do a ca accelerator, you put it on one part and the ca on the other and just join. The bottle lid has a brush as well. Only problem no bugger stocks it, so coming from Taiwan via eBay!

        Hope this is boring the pants off you folks, but despite rumours, still about

        BOB Mate why would we find your work borein ? as im enjoyin lookin at them railings done better than i did on my tiger so dont shoot your self down my freind as i think them railing at very top noch an look built by a proffeshinalll more of the same please an hope you feel better now


        • Jim R
          SMF Supporters
          • Apr 2018
          • 15593
          • Jim
          • Shropshire

          That turret looks great. The only trouble with the accelerator is that the grip is instant, no wriggle time whatsoever. You have to position the part perfectly, first time.


          • scottie3158
            SMF Supporters
            • Apr 2018
            • 14174
            • Paul
            • Holbeach

            Bob, very neat work.


            • Andy T
              SMF Supporters
              • Apr 2021
              • 3238
              • Sheffield

              Originally posted by Mickc1440
              This is fantastic work Bob, I just wouldn't have the patience
              Same here!


              • BattleshipBob
                SMF Supporters
                • Apr 2018
                • 6775
                • Bob
                • Cardiff

                Too kind gentleman. As I keep saying still a way to go. However more confident now and messing about is bringing results.

                Learnt a bit watching a Japanese guy on YouTube, thankfully subtitles lol. Never thought of using a glassfibre pen to remove ca!

                Next problem is getting the rails both to bend correctly AND the bend in the right place lol.

                Much appreciated comments


                • adt70hk
                  SMF Supporters
                  • Sep 2019
                  • 10395


                  All I can say is that those turrets look the business. Really top notch finishes.




                  • Ian M
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 18238
                    • Ian
                    • Falster, Denmark

                    Nothing wrong with that at all. If you look at Ammo's range they do the lot. CA, in several thicknesses, also a black one, accelerator and debonder. Martin AKA the nightshift on YouTube uses them and the debonder is great for cleaning up.
                    Brush on accelerator is OK but don't be surprised when you stick the brush to something. been there got the T-shirt.
                    Sometimes the damage done by clean up is worse than the excess you are trying to remove.
                    Group builds



                    • BattleshipBob
                      SMF Supporters
                      • Apr 2018
                      • 6775
                      • Bob
                      • Cardiff

                      Originally posted by adt70hk

                      All I can say is that those turrets look the business. Really top notch finishes.


                      Hi Andrew

                      Many thanks bob


                      • BattleshipBob
                        SMF Supporters
                        • Apr 2018
                        • 6775
                        • Bob
                        • Cardiff

                        Originally posted by Ian M
                        Nothing wrong with that at all. If you look at Ammo's range they do the lot. CA, in several thicknesses, also a black one, accelerator and debonder. Martin AKA the nightshift on YouTube uses them and the debonder is great for cleaning up.
                        Brush on accelerator is OK but don't be surprised when you stick the brush to something. been there got the T-shirt.
                        Sometimes the damage done by clean up is worse than the excess you are trying to remove.
                        Hi Ian

                        Still very much on the experimenting phase, handy hard earned advice, thanks. Have ordered the ammo stuff and have plenty of scrap plastic to practice removing the ca


                        • Scratchbuilder
                          • Jul 2022
                          • 2689

                          Bob, nothing wrong with your work, a couple of tips.
                          Railings or straight parts. Put a small drop of c/a at one end where you want the (railings) to start. Then line up where the end is going to fit and secure that with a small drop of c/a. Then when you are happy run c/a down the length with a scalpel blade dipped in c/a #10A works best.
                          Bending - My etch bender is good at collecting dust, I just use a flat one sided blade and a cut down 6 inch metal ruler. You can get the 90 degree bends by folding against the ruler edge.


                          • BattleshipBob
                            SMF Supporters
                            • Apr 2018
                            • 6775
                            • Bob
                            • Cardiff

                            Originally posted by Scratchbuilder
                            Bob, nothing wrong with your work, a couple of tips.
                            Railings or straight parts. Put a small drop of c/a at one end where you want the (railings) to start. Then line up where the end is going to fit and secure that with a small drop of c/a. Then when you are happy run c/a down the length with a scalpel blade dipped in c/a #10A works best.
                            Bending - My etch bender is good at collecting dust, I just use a flat one sided blade and a cut down 6 inch metal ruler. You can get the 90 degree bends by folding against the ruler edge.
                            Thanks much appreciated.



                            • john hutton
                              • Dec 2020
                              • 211

                              Evening Bob,
                              That is some very fine work mate. When I saw 8 barrel pom pom mount that you started with,it was a pleasure to see. If I could list Evils that man has created PE would be somewhere near the top, but I think you are on the way to getting its measure. Crack on Sir will be watching with admiration.

