I thought it somewhat entertaining in that the Tiger wasn't a fiberglass replica & the other vehicles, weapons & uniforms were paid some attention in appearance & sound. I thought the 76mm used in M4s didn't have smoke (WP) & a pretty poor HE? Also thought all the bullet strikes on Fury as well as all the 50cal. brass at the end was a nice touch, as it's often neglected in films.
Tiger 131
Yes the story and for sure the ending was a bit too much holywood for me, but I liked the grimm/dark atmosphere of the movie. I would go watch the sequel if that kid cranks the tank back up and stumbles on 2 other ss batallions :relieved:Comment
I just thought it was ridiculous that a battle hardened SS battalion couldn’t bypass one immobilised tank to get to where it wanted to go…..surely they would just move the line of March 100 metres to the side and bypass it!Comment
1) As I mentioned earlier, Fury would have been one of the first to go bye-bye when the Tiger opened up.
2) When the SS at the crossroads started to get shot, I do believe that Panzerfausts were used, although late in the proceedings-this would have happened early on with the crew still buttoned up.
As stated nice to actually see a real, fully working Tiger on film apart from in war pictures. But, as you said Paul...Hey, that's Hollywood.Comment